There is another, simpler reason: open systems rather than open source 
code is a far higher priority for clinical and secondary use users.

- thomas beale

Bruce Wilder wrote:
> Ignacio,
> I cannot provide you with any numbers, but have a few
> comments as to why open source systems are not widely
> deployed:
> 1) Physicians, and probably many institutions, don't
> really understand the concept of open source code, and
> the potential advantages, which include cost savings,
> protection against obsolescence, and the ability to
> meaningfully influence the architecture of the EHR
> system, among others ( I have made a few inroads with
> organizations such as the American Medical
> Association, the American Public Health Association,
> and the American Bar Association).
> 2) The word ?open? suggests to many that there is no
> security (where in fact, and as you point out in your
> draft, systems may be more secure (also see HIMSS
> White Paper, June 2008)).
> 3) Proprietary systems are heavily marketed.  No one
> is marketing open source EHR to a comparable degree
> (you make this point, but perhaps it could be
> elaborated upon).
> HR 6898, introduced 9/15/08 (Stark, D-CA, and Camp,
> R-MI) and referred to the House Committees on Energy
> and Commerce, Ways and Means, and Science and
> Technology, includes making available  open source
> (VistA or comparable) EHR at a ?nominal? cost, and
> provides for a consortium to govern the development
> and updating of such a system.   Its recent White
> Paper on open source EHR notwithstanding, HIMSS now
> opposes these provisions.  There was similar (and
> successful) opposition to a plan by David Brailler,
> when he was the ONCHIT, to promote open source EHR
> three or four years ago.  The impetus behind both of
> these opposition fronts is protection of the
> proprietary interests of EHR software vendors, couched
> in terms of the protection of innovation (but, as you
> seem to say, traditional copyright protection isn't
> the exclusive path to innovation, e.g. Encarta sold
> for $500+ a few years ago, and is now available on
> eBay for around $25 if anybody is stupid enough to buy
> it instead of using Wikipedia).
> Cheers,
> Bruce  
> --- Ignacio Valdes <ivaldes at> wrote:
>> The un-official, Draft 7 of the upcoming American
>> Medical Informatics
>> Association Open Source Working Group white paper to
>> be voted on
>> November 9th can be found
>> It will be
>> voted on for ratification on November 9th-11th or
>> so. Action is needed
>> on your part to answer the question: If open source
>> is so great why is
>> no one using it? There is no aggregate data that I
>> can find to counter
>> this opinion. If you know of a Free/Open Source
>> EHR/EMR deployment and
>> could please send three pieces of information on
>> each deployment that
>> you have by Wednesday November 5th: General
>> Location, software version
>> and most importantly NUMBER OF PATIENTS IN SYSTEM.
>> This paper could
>> have national impact with this data. Please respond
>> by email to
>> ivaldes at if you are able to obtain this
>> data.
>> -- IV
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> Bruce L. Wilder, MD MPH JD
> Interprofessional Systems, Ltd.
> 436 Seventh Avenue, Suite 1050
> Pittsburgh, PA  15219-1826
> Tel 412 683-6015  (Toll Free 1-866-594-6015)
> Fax 412 683-6430
> Changing health care for the 21st century
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        *Thomas Beale
Chief Technology Officer, Ocean Informatics 

Chair Architectural Review Board, /open/EHR Foundation 
Honorary Research Fellow, University College London 


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