On 10/12/2010 08:49, Erik Sundvall wrote:
> Hi!
> A very interesting discussion, thanks to everybody here! Great with 
> all references too!
> On Wed, Dec 8, 2010 at 16:26, pablo pazos <pazospablo at hotmail.com 
> <mailto:pazospablo at hotmail.com>> wrote:
>     Maybe if we change the terminology to GUI Templates and openEHR
>     Templates, we will not have these problems.
> Or perhaps "GUI focused templates" and "Structurally focused 
> templates" (since both will be openEHR based).
> Correct me if I'm wrong:
> If templates can specialize templates in several generations of 
> inheritance/specialisation (This is the case, right?), then we could 
> use the same basic annotation formalism for different purposes in 
> different layers, only the annotation names would be different.
> So an example inheritance/specialisation hierarchy in a running system 
> could be:
> A bunch of clinical archetypes (mostly international, and some 
> regional ones)
> ...are used as building blocks in...
> a "structural" template (maybe national/regional) often creating a 
> [add more structural layers if useful]

all correct up to here

> ...that is then annotated with GUI-hints by...
> a set of "GUI templates" with each template fitting a different 
> recurring use case

not forgetting that GUI is only one place to deploy a template (e.g. 
messages etc), so there might be some other kind of 'deployment 
templates' as well.

> ...for a specific GUI, the most fitting of those GUI templates is then 
> picked and might be further annotated/specialized with yet another 
> template layer or used directly as input to GUI-generation or 
> GUI-building tools
> On Wed, Dec 8, 2010 at 15:55, Thomas Beale 
> <thomas.beale at oceaninformatics.com 
> <mailto:thomas.beale at oceaninformatics.com>> wrote:
>     you have two choices:
>         * A) mix it in with the languages & architectural layers you
>           already have
>         * B) create a dedicated layer or component type, and possibly
>           dedicated formalism if needed
> I believe there is (as usual) a context dependent gray-zone, not a 
> clear breakpoint, regarding what annotations would be most useful to 
> have in which layer. So, yes I agree layers are good for separation of 
> concerns, but it is not always (at least not at an early stage) easy 
> to forsee exactly what best fits into each layer and how many layers 
> there should be.

I agree - we don't yet have a clear list of the GUi semantics that would 
need to be in a UI template...

> If the already present annotation mechanism in templates is powerful 
> enough (Do you think it is, Koray, Pablo and others?)

to be clear, do you mean the annotations documented in the ADL 1.5 draft 
document? I.e. the new annotations section?

> and if could be reused also for GUI-stuff instead of creating another 
> different formalism, then we should take a close look at that option 
> before thinking of specifying another mechanism for GUI-concerns. 
> You'd still get layers (if you sensibly use specialisation) but more 
> flexible boundaries during the needed upcoming period of collaborative 
> experimentation and real use.
> On Mon, Dec 6, 2010 at 22:06, Koray Atalag <k.atalag at auckland.ac.nz 
> <mailto:k.atalag at auckland.ac.nz>> wrote:
>     I think having these discussions is a great start. But it'd be
>     great if someone from the core group 'owns' this thread and puts
>     some pressure on us.
> Koray, what makes you exclude yourself from the "core group"? 
> Shouldn't openEHR be a community with peers trying to solve common 
> problems, where people like you with specific implementation 
> experience can help collaboratively lead a specific exploration 
> tangents at least as well as some official "core" that is busy 
> prioritizing other important explorations. Whatever that "core" is I 
> believe it will be actively involved in, and appreciate, the discussions.

Erik, is right. There is no special 'core group' like in the old days - 
these days, it is whoever is here. In terms of ADL/AOM 1.5 specs, I will 
simply take into account any requirements that are clearly enough 
documented for me to understand...

- thomas

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