On 15/12/2010 00:57, pablo pazos wrote:



      You describe a very big picture and sounds logic, so we'll have:


        Level 1: archetypes (for model complete data sets about a
          concept, general and specialized ones)
        Level 2: structural templates (for localized use of
          archetypes, general and specialized templates)
        Level 3: define the use of the structural templates
          GUI Templates: define directives over a couple of
            Structural Templates to create a graphic representations of
            some archetyped data.

          Message Templates: define directives to structure
            archetyped data into messages with some syntax (HL7 v2, v3,
            13606, CCR, CCD, CDA ...).


    to do non-openEHR message syntaxes, it requires not just another
    'template' (in fact, not much be needed here), but a transformation
    from the operational template (OPT) form to the target form, e.g.
    CCR XSD or whatever.

Doing futurology here, we could have these mapping rules defined inside the 
Message Templates, or  may be just referencing wich tranformation to use (the 
output syntax) will suffice. But I'm not sure what will be the inside of one of 
these templates.

          Report Templates: create reports with aggregated data and
            graphic representations like charts. Can be used by GUI

          Information Aggregation Templates: to define data
            aggregation rules over a set of  archetyped data. Can be
            used by GUI Templates, Report Templates, etc.

          Rule Templates: to define rules over a set of archetyped
            data to check validity, consistency, etc, etc. Can be used
            by Decision Support Modules, e.g. to check medication



    I am not sure what some of these would look like, but I suspect they
    will come into existence one day...

I'm not sure neither, but I'm sure these templates will be part of any 
openEHR-based EHR.


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