Hi Pablo

thank you very much for your detailed reply.

Great to have such a experienced web developer in the openEHR community.

The current performance would make it cumbersome to use it in a productive
environment,  but it will be great as a prototyping and demonstrating tool.
Clinicians can judge the value/completeness of archetypes and templates much
better, if they see them as a working GUI. Your framework seems to be very
suited for that.

I will try to get a small template running locally on my computer sometime
this week. I will report my experience back to the list. Maybe this helps to
decide how the community can leverage your work.*

@all: Is anybody else interested in this?*

A couple of questions to start (Cave: Will possibly bug you with more
questions in the process):
- Does it matter what version of grails I use?
- Can I use the in-memory DB HSQLDB for testing? Or should I set it up with
- By looking at your proprietary templates it seems you determine a root
archetype (usually of type SECTION) and the included archetypes (each is
either fully included --> 'includeAll="true"' or only a subset --> specified
by one or several paths). Is this generally correct?


2010/11/30 pablo pazos <pazospablo at hotmail.com>

>  Hi Thilo,
> What made you create a MVC/ORM framework (YUPP) similar to Grails instead
> of just using Grails (as you did in your open-EHR-Gen framework). What are
> the benefits besides that you don't need a servlet container to run it?
> I started to work with PHP about 9 years ago. In 2004 I developed a small
> CMS (SWP-CMS) . In order to make a better CMS I thought a small framework
> could help. So I started the Yupp project. In 2007 I started to work with
> Grails, and I borrowed some ideas from there, some ideas from Seam (another
> Java MVC framework), and some PHP framewokrs like Cake, Zend, etc. The idea
> was to create something with the best of the state of the art in MVC
> frameworks.
> Do you have a link to such a CDA template (enhanced with some openEHR
> ideas) somewhere?
> Now I just have some proof of concept templates. I send you one attached.
> The idea is to complete the template definition and to build the XSD to
> validate the template structure.
> How do o-EHR-Gen and miniclin compare regarding their uses? When do you use
> one when the other? Is miniclin - as its name suggests - aimed at smaller,
> more at hoc clinical form based applications?
> The idea behind miniClin is to create a minimal EHR with CDA support. This
> system could run in any system with Apache and PHP (MySQL is optional
> because you can persist directly to CDA XML files. The objective of the
> EHR-Gen is a framework to build a complete EHR system based on openEHR
> archetypes.
> Yes, the DB schema is autogenerated from the domain model classes, so the
> schema is very generic and doesn't change if you add new archetypes or
> templates to your app. This generic approach obviously has a side effect on
> performace, but is also a boost on development time.
> How long do load and save operations take?
> To generate an empty form from archetypes it takes 2-3 seconds.
> To generate an edit form (equal to the empty form but with data loaded from
> the DB) it takes 5-10 secs.
> To bind data from input and save the RM structures on the DB it takes 7-15
> secs.
> Obviously, these times depend on the complexity of the archetypes.
> Our big goal is to build a tools chain, so anyone can define some
> archetypes, add them in a template, deploy the archetypes and templates into
> the Open EHR-Gen Framework, and you will have a complete application for
> clinical recording. Over this application, anyone can build their own
> plugins, so you can add integration with other systems, conversion to/from
> other information models, etc.
> Sounds fantastic. An exactly what the openEHR community needs to be able to
> easily demonstrate archetypes in action.
> How much adaption would it involve get the open-EHR-gen framework running
> on my computer with another template?
> You need to build your templates, and add them to the config file (
> http://code.google.com/p/open-ehr-gen-framework/source/browse/trunk/open-ehr-gen/grails-app/conf/Config.groovy).
> There you'll see a mapping like this:
> templates {
>     hce {
>         trauma {
>             INGRESO = ['triage']
>             ADMISION = ['prehospitalario', 'contexto_del_evento']
>             ANAMNESIS = ['resumen_clinico']
>             EVALUACION_PRIMARIA = [
>                                    'via_aerea',
>                                    'columna_vertebral',
>                                    'ventilacion',
>                                    'estado_circulatorio',
>                                    'disfuncion_neurologica'
>                                   ]
>             PARACLINICA = ['pedido_imagenes', 'pedido_laboratorio']
>             EVALUACION_SECUNDARIA = ['exposicion_corporal_total']
>             DIAGNOSTICO = ['diagnosticos']
>             COMUNES = ['movimiento_paciente']
>         }
>         emergencia {
>             ACCIONES = ['adm_sust']
>             DIAGNOSTICO = ['diagnosticos']
>         }
>         ambulatorio {
>         }
>         quirurgica {
>         }
>     }
> }
> This mapping has all the clinical processes in your EHR, here you can see
> the trauma process, with all it's stages and all the records in each stage.
> Each record is a template (you can see the template names here;
> http://code.google.com/p/open-ehr-gen-framework/source/browse/#svn/trunk/open-ehr-gen/templates/hce/trauma
> )
> So in trauma.EVALUACION_PRIMARIA stage (primary evaluation), you have the
> air way, breathing, circulation and disability records (the ABCD). Here (
> https://docs.google.com/leaf?id=0B27lX-sxkymfNGQ5MmU5ZjctMGU3ZC00ODdjLWE0ZWMtNDQ4MmQxMGYzYzRl&sort=name&layout=list&pid=0B27lX-sxkymfYzI5YzBjMWEtZGI5My00NGNiLThmNmQtOGNhZmE0ZWEwNDll&cindex=1)
> you can find the generated GUI for the EVALUACION_PRIMARIA-via_aerea
> template (this is primary evaluation-airway). You can see some tabs in the
> top that let you go to the other records in this primary evaluation stage.
> If you change something on the config template mapping, the app will
> instantly show the changes without restarting the app, because all (gui,
> bind, save, etc) is generated on the fly. May be you'll have to clean the
> ArchetypeManager and TemplateManager caches.
> I hope this can help you.
> If you have any questions, please contact me.
> Cheers,
> Pablo.
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