On Fri, 2010-10-22 at 17:12 +0100, Derek Meyer wrote:
> Tony,
> This is very impressive piece of work.  Every since I first came
> across openEHR I have intuitively felt that it is closer to the
> 'solution' than more static attempts at standardization. So why is
> progress so slow? I've appplied some lateral thinking to this, and
> come up with what many people on this list may (at best) think
> contrarian - but at the risk of being flamed....
> The Case for NPfIT 2.0 www.nationalhealthexecutive.com page 52-53. 
> (I'll go get my hard hat now...)

All I can say Derek; is that if you think my past medical, mental and
social history older than six months is useless information. Much less
my familial history of a few generations.  

I am very happy that you are not my physician.

Maybe if you had all of that information in a meaningful semantically
connected network.  You could practice better preventive healthcare as
opposed to band-aid, reactive medicine???   :-) 


Timothy Cook, MSc
Project Lead - Multi-Level Healthcare Information Modeling

LinkedIn Profile:http://www.linkedin.com/in/timothywaynecook 
Skype ID == timothy.cook
Academic.Edu Profile: http://uff.academia.edu/TimothyCook

You may get my Public GPG key from  popular keyservers or    
from this link http://timothywayne.cook.googlepages.com/home 

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