> FHIR has no such restriction - elements must have a type of one or more
> of the defined types, either primitive or complex
> ok, but how do w write a normal statically typed classes in Java or C# to
> deal with that?

Many boolean elements are mandatory - they map straight onto the primitive
boolean anyway, since no nullFlavor is allowed. If a nullFlavor is allowed, then
you can either define a sub-type of something directly, or use the Nullable
pattern from C#, or define a mixin if that's possible. Which is best depends
on the capabilities of the language. See the note here:

But in fact, many implementers will not define types at all.

> This is a pattern where all descendants in the hierarchy just have a String
> value, but the different descendants provide different ways of parsing it.
> The FHIR identifiers are done like this (by direct inheritance from String),
> so are the openEHR Identifiers (by having a single value: String field).
> I had momentarily forgotten that you had done HumanDate like this as well.
> In FHIR, you inherit directly from String, and add syntax functions that
> parse the string in a certain way. In this case we assume ISO8601 date/time
> strings. But just having the one semantic type (HumanDate) based on the
> representation (a String) is not enough when building clinical models.
> Modellers need to be able to put Date, DateTime, Time (we can assume it will
> be required somewhere) and Duration (which you have as a constraint on
> Quantity). I am not against using the representation approach you have used,
> but it still doesn't provide enough semantic types.

Is time used in the existing archetypes? what for? I'll add Date to
FHIR, and Duration
already exists.

> We still need for example some thing
> that says that Date.diff (otherDate) produces a Duration.

FHIR is consciously not a specification that says that sort of thing.

> I wouldn't read much into the current limitations of the Archetype Editor -
> except that there has been little demand to be able to constrain those
> fields. (DV_TEXT formatting)

right - why not? Do people think they don't matter because they assume
the fields will exist, or because they don't want them?

> But if I'm doing a DV_CODED_TEXT, then the snomed code goes
> on the defining_code instead of a mapping.
> you don't have to lock the field type down to only DV_TEXT or DV_CODED_TEXT
> at design time; the archetype can allow both, and either can be chosen at
> runtime.

ok, but archetypes are used outside the context of pure openEHR. How does
this play out in a template environment or where archetypes are being used
for specifying general interoperability? Often such mapping is lost (a
for instance)

> we can always improve the spec, no doubt about that. A match of '=' just
> means that the code is understood as a direct match for the string.

so what is the meaning of 'defining', if that's not it? As a receiver
of archetyped
data, what should I make of the difference between a DV_TEXT with a
snomed code in the mapping, and a DV_CODED_TEXT with a snomed
code as the code_phrase?

> (or other agent) was at the time of data generation. Just because they put
> 'Asthma' as a string value, doesn't mean you can then go and put a mapping
> to the Snomed code 195967001 and mark it as 'defining'. The 'meaning' of a
> code in Snomed is based on its computable location in the IS-A hierachy and
> its properties. That might or might not match the user's understanding of
> the meaning.

But mostly Snomed (and other) codes come from configuration and/or manual
assignment to an interface terminology. I don't know how that plays out from
the spec. I think that some clarity is definitely required here. We often argue
about this kind of thing in NEHTA, for instance.


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