Hi Thomas, great news! and looking forward to help on the specs.
Kind regards,
Ing. Pablo Pazos Guti?rrez
LinkedIn: http://uy.linkedin.com/in/pablopazosgutierrez
Blog: http://informatica-medica.blogspot.com/
Twitter: http://twitter.com/ppazos

> Date: Tue, 4 Sep 2012 19:19:07 -0600
> From: thomas.beale at oceaninformatics.com
> To: openehr-technical at lists.openehr.org; openehr-clinical at 
> lists.openehr.org
> Subject: lessons from Intermountain Health, and starting work on openEHR 2.x
> for those interested, I have been spending this month with Dr Stan 
> Huff's group at Intermountain Health in Salt lake City. I have at least 
> a dozen potential change requests / issues for openEHR. Mostly small, 
> but important in their way. That has come from the evidence of their 
> systems, and our performing a cross-review during this month. The 
> comparison has shown that we (i.e. openEHR and Intermountain) have 
> essentially the same multi-level modelling system, with different 
> details. Plus I have learned a lot in terms of their design philosophy 
> and thinking.
> Essentially we can think of these as distilled wisdom/lessons from 
> various incarnations of Stan's leading edge 3M/ASN.1 environment over 15 
> years, up to the most recent, the Qualibria system using 'CDL' (the ADL 
> equivalent).
> I'll put these into the openEHR Jira SPEC-PR issue tracker for everyone 
> to see over the next couple of weeks, plus on the mailing lists for more 
> general things I have learned here.
> The new openEHR Spec programme should get up and running in the next few 
> weeks, which will mean that people here who want to nominate for working 
> on the various specs (i.e. working toward openEHR v2.0) should have a 
> think about doing that. The governance details are mostly worked out, so 
> it just needs people.
> I know some people feel that the specs have not been changing for too 
> long (myself included) but on the other hand, they have stood up 
> amazingly well over the last few years, and we have a huge amount of 
> industry knowledge accumulated, most of which I think is captured on the 
> PR issue tracker, and at least on the mailing lists. Also, we have a 
> pretty decent ADL/AOM 1.5 spec, which needs community review. AQL has 
> also been implemented a number of times and heavily used now, and has 
> held up very well. There are things to change there, based on its use in 
> industry.
> So, soon we can start on getting a new version of openEHR... it will be 
> a great opportunity I think, to include the clinical and technical 
> lessons available to us in the next generation platform. The community 
> here is wide-ranging and has a huge amount of knowledge... time to use it!
> - thomas
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