On 04/23/2013 12:39 PM, Thomas Beale wrote:
> On 23/04/2013 10:37, Bert Verhees wrote:
>> > have ADL, AOM, and object transforms
>> What is missing is that xml offers validation and query out of the 
>> box, which means it has been developed and optimized for years by 
>> many companies and communities, and mostly is good quality software.
> ok but we just agreed that XSD doesn't do the kind of validation that 
> is needed by archetypes, so I think what you are really proposing is 
> XML based on Relax NG as a sufficiently powerful approach that would 
> a) implement the required constraint semantics of archetypes and b) 
> create data that can be queried by Xpath/Xquery out of the box?
> Is that your suggestion?

Exactly, that is my idea. I already did that for XML-schema, walking 
throug AOM-objects, and defining the structure-constraints and leaf-node 
constraints in XML-schema, but I don't like that very much because of 
the tricks I need to use. My hope is that Relax NG does not require 
these kind of tricks.
But I am not completely ready studying it, but I found that some 
important restrictions (concerning the restrictions in structure) of XML 
Schema do not apply to Relax NG, and I also checked the 
leaf-node-simple-datatypes, where it seems to allow to define all 
possible ADL-constraints.

So, I can build the structure of an archetype, keeping the paths in 
original names, keeping the constraints on the structure, and I can 
apply all leaf-node constraints.

But at this moment I am very busy doing something else, and there is 
(quite) some time-pressure on that, working in the evening, that kind of 

> If so, my reaction would be: let's investigate as a community. I don't 
> think anyone has sufficiently investigated Relax NG or Schematron for 
> openEHR purposes, and in hindsight we probably should have. It would 
> be very interesting indeed to see how much better it would work than XSD.

I will write a paper on it, how the structures and leaf-nodes are to be 
defined in Relax NG and publish that.
Maybe there is still something left to ask or discuss, that is always 
good. It will take a few weeks before I have time for that.

And what do I have then

ADL -> Relax NG conversion -> automatic validation based on good quality 
of code
XML-datasets -> XQuery -> full featured query language.

Optional is AQL -> XQuery syntax transformation, some people find that 
important, I think it is possible.

In fact, the complete OpenEHR ecosystem ready to work with XML, and 
almost everything running on matured code. That is the goal.


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