On 23/04/2013 18:09, Timothy W. Cook wrote:
> On Mon, Apr 22, 2013 at 7:26 PM, Bert Verhees <bert.verhees at rosa.nl 
> <mailto:bert.verhees at rosa.nl>> wrote:
>     Another very important restriction for using XML Schema, in my
>     opinion, is that you cannot have two or more elements with the
>     same name but a different data type. This data type must be in
>     detail the same. XML Schema regards an Element with a Dv_Text as a
>     different datatype from an Element with a Dv_CodedText.
>     Both elements will be called "items" in an XML schema representing
>     an OpenEhr data structure, and thus is not allowed having them
>     different details in data types. This brought Tim Cook to using
>     the GUIDs in the element-names, which is unworkable in my opinion,
>     and above all, probably unnecessary, because in RelaxNG this
>     restriction does not exist.
> There are many reasons and benefits to using Type4 UUIDs.  I cannot 
> imagine that RelaxNG has any magic to allow global elements to be the 
> same name and have different types or two elements at the same level 
> have different types.  Certainly no programming language allows that. 
>  There are other approaches that can be used and not use UUIDs.  You 
> can nest all of your complexTypes and create VERY wide artifacts. You 
> can use intricate namespacing if you want.
>     Other tricks are also possible, for example augmenting
>     element-names during validation-time, but also that is cumbersome
>     code, and that just for avoiding the problems of an ivory tower
>     stupid W3C standard?
> Interesting here that you call it a stupid standard and then in a 
> later email you praise it for its industry acceptance.

I think Bert is comparing Relax NG to XML Schema, he's not just talking 
generic 'XML'.

> But, the things you continue to call tricks are not tricks, they are 
> features of the standard that are implemented because one or 
> more people presented sufficient use cases.  Just because Priscilla 
> Walmsley doesn't bless their use doesn't mean that they are any less 
> valid.
>     So this is indeed an important restriction, which makes the clean
>     use of XML Schema impossible in OpenEhr-rm, or any other ADL based
>     multi level modeling system. Dirty use, tricks, ignoring
>     validation errors, etc of course remain possible.
> Yes, be specific.  You probably can't model an ADL based RM in Haskell 
> or Erlang either.  But that doesn't mean they are not useful in 
> multi-level modeling with a functional design.  If you goal is to stay 
> with ADL then you have to live with those requirements.  I chose not 
> to in MLHIM for all the other benefits that come with adopting XML 
> technologies.

out of interest Tim, did you look at Releax NG or Schematron?

>     There are more restrictions, but less important. For example it is
>     not possible to support the Dv_Time constraint/pattern hh:??:??,
>     same for Dv_DateTime. In the Dv_Date is also a problem, but can be
>     worked around by the "alternative" rule, but on another way then
>     it is meant to use.
> There are very clean and efficient ways to allow for partial dates in 
> XML Schema.

They are catered for 
<http://www.w3schools.com/schema/schema_dtypes_date.asp>, but I have to 
admit, in a pretty annoying way. But better than not being catered for...

The lack of support for hh:??:?? is actually the fault of the ISO8601 
standard, and I suspect it's because the writers never actually 
implemented a parser, and had the simple realisation that a partial date 
or time (e.g. "1995", "12") is impossible to distinguish syntactically 
from an integer in a mixed data stream - some other help is always needed.

XML Schema solves it with the data types gMonthDay, gYear etc. Ugly, but 
not really their fault.

A slightly better designed 8601 standard would have saved a lot of 
problems, and the ultimate fault in my view lies at the door of ISO: a 
completely wrong model of doing standards.

- thomas

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