Hi Koray,

I agree - can you create a JIRA PR at ...



Dr Ian McNicoll
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Co-Chair, openEHR Foundation ian.mcnic...@openehr.org
Director, freshEHR Clinical Informatics Ltd.
Director, HANDIHealth CIC
Hon. Senior Research Associate, CHIME, UCL

On 12 February 2016 at 04:29, Koray Atalag <k.ata...@auckland.ac.nz> wrote:

> Hi,
> We noted it is possible to set values from AE/TD to a RM attribute named
> “offset”
> In the specs
> <http://www.openehr.org/releases/RM/Release-1.0.3/docs/data_structures/data_structures.html#_event_class>
> (looked at >1.0.1) it is not a regular attribute but a function which
> returns a computed value using diff HISTORY.origin and EVENT.time
> Note that this diff can also be a negative value – which doesn’t seem to
> be supported by AE/TD or in instance data
> An example ADL:
> POINT_EVENT[at0002] occurrences matches {0..*} matches {        -- Any
> event
>                offset matches {
>                               DV_DURATION matches {
>                                              value matches {|PT0.125S|}
>                               }
>                }
> Isn’t this weird?
> I would expect this to return a value if a valid ISO8601 time has been
> entered for both HISTORY.origin and EVENT.time but not set as an attribute
> directly.
> Cheers,
> -koray
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