On 12-11-18 16:13, Thomas Beale wrote:

On 12/11/2018 09:44, Bert Verhees wrote:

Sorry, I first replied to Pieter Bos only, now to the list. Pieter already replied to me that the question was not about XSD to check datasets was .

So, read my reply, for those interested in easy validating datasets:

It is possible to have an XSD to describe the AOM, but you cannot have an XSD to describe an archetype and check a dataset with it.

you can, it's called a Template Data Schema (TDS), and is generated from the Template Designer and I think the new Marand ADL-designer. Its intended exactly for checking data sets...

Of course you can write any validation tool you want,  but you cannot do this and still conform to the XML Schema standard, that is why Schematron became important. With Schematron you can validate anything. As I wrote this morning, LinkEhr also generates Schematron for validation purpose.

whether this is the real requirement being talked about here may be another question.

You are right, it was not what was asked, still I thought it would be interesting for others to know that there is a JSON Schematron parser (instead of an XML Schematron-parser), which can be used to validate JSON OpenEhr-datasets against archetypes/templates.

I wrote an AOM(OpenEhr/CEN13606)-Schematron-validation-generator years ago, exactly for this reason, I must have the sourcecode somewhere. Good for Marand to have validation too, because checking data-sets before storing them is an important responsibility of an OpenEhr-kernel.


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