On Fri, Mar 28, 2008 at 8:50 PM, Justin Treon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Dear OpenEZX,
>  I think that it is important to have more than just the FIC FreeRunner as a
>  development platform.  Phones like the Rokr E2 seem very important to me 
> since it is
>  a candy bar phone with no touch screen.  Which of the EZX phones should 
> OpenEZX
>  focus on in the future?  I would like to hear the option of anyone 
> interested.
>  Justin

I am not a developer, just an interested party/lurker, but I thought
I'd add my comments to give another POV.

It seems to me many projects porting Linux to mobile devices remain
incomplete and this is shame for people that don't have
skill/time/interest to hack but do want to use a freed phone. I
understand that for many people in this project the fun is in the
development not in the end result - but I'd like to throw in the idea
that there are lots of people around for whom a finished solution,
even for an old phone, is really awesome - more so than three
incomplete solutions.

>From my fairly short time lurking around these projects it seems that
the large number of 'close but no cigar' solutions occurs because the
time it takes to develop a working OSS stack > time for new product to
be replaced by manufacturers. If the people who are doing the work on
OpenEZX shift focus now, will they ever finish support for the
platform they shift to? (I am aware this is an end user centred view!
- I would be interested to know if for the developers that doesn't
really matter?)

Further, it seems working towards support for phones that can be
cheaply purchased on eBay, etc, also increases the number of people
able to buy the hardware and improve support for it, as well as the
number of people who can benefit from the good work when it is done, I
guess making the work potentially more satisfying too!

Just for evenness in argument: I also think (hope?) I see a trend
towards openness in phone hardware, and good portable OSS stacks -
perhaps this will reduce the time required to make a totally open
linux distro like OpenEZX usefully functional on newer devices and so
means shifting focus to newer devices is a good idea... People with
more dev experience can comment on how true this is, I'm sure.

I should finish by 'disclosing' that I have an A780, and came to OEZX
in the hope that I'd be able to use it with only free software (I
wrote http://wiki.openezx.org/Getting_Started_A780 to help other
beginners like me) . I hope my view is not greatly biased by this
particular phone though (I bought the A780 at the time as it was best
supported phone, I can sell it and buy an A1200 if that becomes best
supported - the price difference is not great..). My main thrust is
not "finish the A780" but more - "finish something" and it seems (to
me as an end user, not a developer, please politely correct me if I'm
wrong) that the best chance of that is to stick with something where
lots of time has already been invested and progress made.  I have
spent a while trying to find a project close to fully supporting an
affordable phone with FLOSS software. I chose OpenEZX as it seemed to
be closest to that goal (going OpenMoko meant no useful phone in
interim time) - I think achieving it would bring many more
interested/ing people.

As this is (I think) my first post - I'll finish by thanking the
people that hack on the project for the fun I've had playing so far!


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