On Wed, 2 Apr 2008 08:51:20 -0700 (PDT)
Patrick Roberts <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> From what I understand, MotoMAGX is very close if not
> identical to what LiMo's OS will be.  Targeting this
> iteration of EZX casts the OpenEZX net wider than just
> Motorola.    
> See: 
> http://wiki.openezx.org/Other_Linux_Phones#LiMo_Foundation

Well, maybe you assume OpenEZX supports MotoMAGX, which I _personally_
think it is currently not the case. At least in the original, narrower,
sense, OpenEZX is a kernel reimplementation for Motorola EZX phones
(that means, from our POV, pxa27x based ones). The wiki used to host
information about other linux phones only for "completeness", and I
guess also to be spotted by search engines :P
There's also no problem to host pages about details of other non-pxa
linux Motorola phones, but people should know that there's just no
kernel code for them in OpenEZX itself.

> ...Which is great, because Motorola is in turmoil. 
> Besides being a LiMo founder, Motorola also purchased
> half of UIQ.  A few weeks ago a Motorola handset
> marketing person told us all their new phones were
> going to be UIQ, but they were going to be focusing
> marketing efforts in the US on the (quirky) MotoMAGX
> E8. However, their big announcement from US CTIA was
> the MotoMAGX Z9 (and nothing about UIQ).   People
> inside Motorola are all worried about their jobs
> (understandably) and not products right now.  If
> OpenEZX can also run on LG, Samsung, and FOMA
> handsets, Motorola becomes much less important.

Well I would rephrase the last sentence as:
"If OpenLiMo can also run on LG... etc." if such a project would
exist :)

Remember OpenEZX is just about kernel, not the whole phone stack.
And my very humble opinion is that we should stick to the original
definition of the project, do we (if a "we" still exists :)) want to be
another handhelds.org?

I wanted to stress that just to clarify the original definition of
OpenEZX, don't take the mail wrong.


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