Yes Jozef certainly. Thanks a lot.

I was thinking of disabling the table-features for stable boron as well as a 
“clunky” workaround for 5173.

Any thoughts?


From: Jozef Bacigál []
Sent: Monday, August 22, 2016 2:57 PM
To: Abhijit Kumbhare; Shuva Jyoti Kar
Subject: Re: [openflowplugin-dev] [nic-dev] [didm-dev] Table features off by 
default - to be enabled by DIDM & NIC

Hi Shuva.

I was on docs update so I did update the wiki too. I have been used you text 
from the email. Hope I saved you some time :)

Added to the wiki here:


Od: Abhijit Kumbhare <<>>
Odoslané: 18. augusta 2016 19:13
Komu: Shuva Jyoti Kar
 An Ho; Yrineu Rodrigues; Tom Pantelis;<>;<>; 
Subhash Singh
Predmet: Re: [openflowplugin-dev] [nic-dev] [didm-dev] Table features off by 
default - to be enabled by DIDM & NIC

Can you add this to the OpenFlow Plugin user guide? Ideally it should be under 
a section probably called configuration parameters (or something else?).

On Thu, Aug 18, 2016 at 9:39 AM, Shuva Jyoti Kar 
<<>> wrote:
Hi Devs,

The table-features has been turned off by default in the master(carbon) branch. 
For those who require it , please follow the following steps:

1.       Run the karaf from the distribution

2.       Install the openflowplugin features –

opendaylight-user@root>feature:install odl-openflowplugin-southbound

opendaylight-user@root>feature:install odl-openflowplugin-flow-services

3.       Find org.opendaylight.openflowplugin.cfg in /etc  and edit it to say 

4.       Connect the switches then , table-features will be enabled
PS : Please ensure that no switches are connected while editing the config file.

Do let us know in case you have any doubts.


 On Behalf Of Abhijit Kumbhare
Sent: Friday, August 05, 2016 12:45 AM
To: Yrineu Rodrigues
 An Ho; Tom Pantelis;<>;<>; 
Subhash Singh
Subject: Re: [openflowplugin-dev] [nic-dev] [didm-dev] Table features off by 
default - to be enabled by DIDM & NIC

Thanks Yrineu and Subhash! It is also possible that what Shuva comes up with 
may need a small code change for you to enable it - instead of a documentation 
change. Shuva will get in touch with you however.

On Thu, Aug 4, 2016 at 11:46 AM, Yrineu Rodrigues 
<<>> wrote:
Hi Abhijit, thank you for your attention. The same for us (NIC), we'll add it 
on our wiki page.
With regards,

On Thu, Aug 4, 2016 at 3:41 PM, Subhash Singh 
Hello Abhijit,

Please let us (DIDM) know for the required config changes, I will add it in 
didm user documentation.

Thanks and Regards,
Subhash Kumar Singh

On Thu, Aug 4, 2016 at 9:47 PM, Abhijit Kumbhare 
<<>> wrote:
Hello DIDM & NIC,

We are finding the performance of the oper-datastore inventory slow if table 
features is turned on by default as mentioned by Shuva below. This would affect 
all the users regardless of whether they use the table features or not. DIDM & 
NIC are the only ones using the table features. Hence from our OpenFlow Plugin 
meeting today we decided we will keep the default configuration to be table 
features off and have DIDM/NIC enable it when they need it. We are still 
deciding whether we start it off as a config change (most likely) and/or 
transition it to be a run-time change (less likely in the Boron release). 
Jozef, Shuva, etc. will follow up later with the instructions - but we would 
need you to either implement the change to turn it on (if it is a run time 
option) - or have instructions in your user level documentation to turn it on 
(config time option).


On Wed, Aug 3, 2016 at 12:58 AM, Shuva Jyoti Kar 
<<>> wrote:

First take – with even one switch connected the restconf hangs when we try 
querying the oper-DS via apidoc.

Over Postman its extremely slow.  And avoid oper-Ds writes for applications 
that might not require this.

It would be really nice to measure the performance for scaled out scenarios – 
switch scaleout + large config( a mil flows scenario )



From: Jozef Bacigál 
Sent: Wednesday, August 03, 2016 12:32 PM
To: Abhijit Kumbhare; Anil Vishnoi;<>
Cc: Tom Pantelis; Muthukumaran K; Shuva Jyoti Kar; Luis Gomez;<>;<>
Subject: RE: Patch for tuning table features

Hi guys,

Sorry I wasn’t here for two days, but first thing the patch seems good. Second 
thing I see no problem when the table features stay switched ON. Before the 
changes the table features were inside the tables and with each table we always 
loaded full features. Now are the features on the same level as table so 
performance in boron get better. It would be nice to have some performance test 
with ON/OFF table features with this patch set.


From: Abhijit Kumbhare []
Sent: Wednesday, August 3, 2016 7:37 AM
To: Anil Vishnoi <<>>;<>
Cc: Tom Pantelis <<>>; 
Muthukumaran K 
<<>>; Shuva Jyoti 
Kar <<>>; Jozef 
Bacigál <<>>; Luis 
Gomez <<>>;<>;<>
Subject: Re: Patch for tuning table features

Yes - we should reach out to DIDM & the NIC project - but I want to also 
discuss this in this week's meeting.

I have added the OpenFlow Plugin mailing list - as well as DIDM & NIC - so they 
can be aware of this discussion. If I remember right we had also discussed this 
earlier - don't remember what we had concluded then.

On Tue, Aug 2, 2016 at 10:31 PM, Anil Vishnoi 
<<>> wrote:

On Tue, Aug 2, 2016 at 10:04 PM, Tom Pantelis 
<<>> wrote:

So you have some apps that need table-features enabled but other apps that need 
it off? That sounds like a deployment headache - what if an end user has 
installed an app that needs it on and also an app that needs it off? What 
happens to an app if the setting isn't what it needs?

​It's moreover like, some apps need it, but apps who don't need it, would 
*prefer* to disable it for performance reason. So if it comes to the situation 
where one app need table features, then other app will have to live with it.

But yes, it's still an deployment options, and we were thinking an easy way for 
doing that.​

Regardless, this seems like a deployment option for the end user or integrator, 
ie let the user decide what to set it to rather than apps trying to set it 
automatically on install and possibly stomping over one another. So if a user 
installs DIDM, document that they must enable table-features.

​This is also reasonable option, but not sure if didm and nic projects are okay 
with it or not. This might add some work on their plate to fix their 
intergration/csit jobs etc.

Abhijit, do you think it make sense to reach out to DIDM/NIC project?

On Wed, Aug 3, 2016 at 12:29 AM, Muthukumaran K 
<<>> wrote:

So, assuming that a set of projects require default-value for a config param 
(table-features in this case) to be true, they would have use what comes out of 
box (assuming that XML what we ship via features.xml sets the value to true).

Then another set of projects want to flip – they stop the whole karaf 
container, edit this XML and restart. Or they can edit the XML file on fly ?

Clarity of this sequence may be useful for how test automation runs CSIT – a 
set of Test suites which require the value to be true (in this example, DIDM, 
NIC) and another set of test suites which require this value to be false 
(everything else other than NIC or DIDM)



From: Tom Pantelis [<>]
Sent: Wednesday, August 03, 2016 9:46 AM
To: Anil Vishnoi
Cc: Abhijit Kumbhare; Shuva Jyoti Kar;<>; Muthukumaran K

Subject: Re: Patch for tuning table features

If using clustered-app-config, the default value can be set via an external XML 
file that could be shipped via a features.xml. See

On Tue, Aug 2, 2016 at 6:08 PM, Anil Vishnoi 
<<>> wrote:

I think two project had dependent (DIDM and NIC) on the table
features. So if plugin will disable it now, both the project will
break. So if we want to disable table features, we need to provide
some solution on how these project can enable it.

Given that all the config nobs are present in data store, didm/nic
project can overwrite the default value to false, but that will
restart the openflowplugin model, which i think should be fine.

Tom, do you have any other thoughts on how projects can set value of
config nob exposed by dependent projects?

On Tue, Aug 2, 2016 at 2:25 PM, Abhijit Kumbhare 
<<>> wrote:
> Added Jozef. Since it is Jozef's patch and you are now a committer - you can
> review/merge it :)
> On Mon, Aug 1, 2016 at 11:57 PM, Shuva Jyoti Kar
> <<>> wrote:
>> Sure, sounds good. Can you please review the patch and merge it then ?
>> Thanks
>> Shuva
>> From: Abhijit Kumbhare 
>> [<>]
>> Sent: Tuesday, August 02, 2016 12:25 PM
>> To: Shuva Jyoti Kar
>> Cc: Muthukumaran K; Anil Vishnoi
>> Subject: Re: Patch for tuning table features
>> We should ask DIDM to turn it on if and when they need it.
>> On Monday, August 1, 2016, Shuva Jyoti Kar 
>> <<>>
>> wrote:
>> I do see your point Abhjit. The spec says “If it wishes to understand the
>> size, types, and order in which tables are consulted, the controller
>> sends a OFPMP_TABLE_FEATURES multipart request (see A.3.5.5)”. Hence it
>> would be optional. Am I correct ?
>> But if we turn it off by , will any projects have a problem ? I remember
>> DIDM having a dependency.
>> The current status that exists for the He and Li designs are:
>> Master
>> He-design: turned on by default, can be turned off
>> Li-design :mandatory now[my patch will make it configurable]
>> Stable/Be
>> He-design: turned on by default, can be turned off
>> Li-design: turned off by default  as per
>> I do see a point it making it off by default. Do let me know if I am
>> missing something
>> Thanks
>> Shuva
>> From: Abhijit Kumbhare 
>> [<>]
>> Sent: Tuesday, August 02, 2016 5:20 AM
>> To: Shuva Jyoti Kar
>> Cc: Muthukumaran K; Anil Vishnoi
>> Subject: Re: Patch for tuning table features
>> The spec does not say that the table features HAS to be used. I think we
>> should turn it off on both the He and the Li designs to keep consistent
>> assuming it is causing enough performance problems.
>> On Sat, Jul 30, 2016 at 7:47 PM, Shuva Jyoti Kar
>> <<>> wrote:
>> Absolutely Muthu ,nothing else. Aligining with the spec its been turned on
>> but can be turned off in a manner that aligns with the implementation on the
>> He plugin as well.
>> On Sun, Jul 31, 2016 at 2:53 AM, Muthukumaran K
>> <<>> wrote:
>> It was kept on just to be in alignment with spec and also with He plugin’s
>> config
>> Anything else Shuva ?
>> Regards
>> Muthu
>> From: Abhijit Kumbhare 
>> [<>]
>> Sent: Sunday, July 31, 2016 2:52 AM
>> To: Shuva Jyoti Kar
>> Cc: Anil Vishnoi; Muthukumaran K
>> Subject: Re: Patch for tuning table features
>> Then shouldn't it be off by default if OVS 2.4 is sending a lot of data
>> and performance suffers?
>> On Saturday, July 30, 2016, Shuva Jyoti Kar 
>> <<>>
>> wrote:
>> Hi Anil, Abhijit,
>> I have pushed a patch for turning table-features ON/OFF with the
>> li-plugin. By default it is on, but can be switched off.
>> We need this fix since by default ovs2.4 sends quite a huge amount of data
>> for each switch connected.
>> Could you please review the change and let me know your comments.
>> Thanks
>> Shuva






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didm-dev mailing list<>

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Yrineu Rodrigues
OpendayLight NIC PTL/committer
NIC wiki 

Software Engineer

Sídlo / Mlynské Nivy 56 / 821 05 Bratislava / Slovakia
R&D centrum / Janka Kráľa 9 /  974 01 Banská Bystrica / Slovakia
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