Brian Bray wrote:

Tim Churches a écrit :

Hmmm, does Minoru plan to assert its trade mark against the Openhealth
list on Yahoo (see )?

I'm not expecting that I'll have to. It depends on the the other list and my decisions over the next few weeks.

The way I see it, there are two possibilities for the motivations of the creators of the other list:

Really, you can see only two possibilities? I find your first one to have some probability of contributing to the rise of the new list, but your second possibility, in my opinion has a very low probability of contributing to the rise of the new list. The highest probability of why a new list exists, I believe, is that this list ceased to have any significant value to the list members.

1) It really is a question of the technical capabilities of the list and the lack of support.
2) The motivation is to profit from the goodwill that Minoru has in the community on an ongoing basis.

It is up to you.  Why are you here?

Because at one time it was a good place to be and then it ceased to have value. Since it cost virtually nothing to stay the lack of value was not sufficient motivation to attempt to leave. I did notice that others spent some effort trying to leave to no avail, so why bother? And to further my argument, this would not be the first list I have belonged to that just petered out without me having to do a thing about it.

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