In Canada we are watching closely the development of
standards from the Canada Health Infoway. I sit on
their Lab Standards group. Messaging standard will
most likely be HL7v3 and terminology standard will
likely be a combination of LOINC and SNOMED-CT.

--- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> Hi all,
> I'm collating standards (open or otherwise) that are
> being used in open
> source health applications.
> I'd appreciate if the developers on the list would
> explicitly publish what
> standards they base their applications on and
> perhaps we can establish
> interoperability from thereon.
> For CHITS, we use ICD-10 (for disease codes), the
> Philippine medicare's
> RUV (relative unit values)  system for procedures,
> and are currently
> developing an XML schema for our local claims
> processing system (most
> probably a subset of HL7). Although HL7 is an
> international standard, this
> Philippine subset still has to go through the
> process of approval by local
> authorities.
> Thanks in advance.

David H Chan, MD, CCFP, MSc, FCFP
Associate Professor
Department of Family Medicine
McMaster University

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