Nice thoughts!

If you are having Zope on your server i hope you tried Open Infrastructure for Outcomes, which is the best software for research and audit for clinicians you can get!

Torch is another quite "complete" and usable system running on Zope.

I have setup OSCAR on Ubuntu Breezy and would gladly help anyone to set it up.

All the above are running on my server as well.

Best regards

Nanda Gunaratne

sickleofzeus <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:    Dear Karsten,

> Also, please do be specific in your statements: "how usable
> for me, as a physician, in private practice" may or may not
> actually mean "can do US billing which is all I care about".

I don't use any of the electronic health records to do billing.  I use
an old DOS based practice management system that is lightning fast and
very efficient at what it does and have not been very motivated to
change until these new systems have had some time to mature.

I am referring to the projects in their ability to help a physician
(and practitioners) provide better health care.  So the issue of
whether a particular program does billing or not has never really
affected my decision making process. 

I lurked on the GnuMed developers mailing list for a long time.  After
many months, I finally got tired of waiting for your team to decide
that you could call GnuMed anything more than "pre-alpha".  I am
relieved to hear that GnuMed is close to an official release.

While I use OpenEMR, I am actually promoting and supporting all free
open source medical software.  While on this list I have read a lot of
volatile, fractious comments.  I would rather this group be working
together towards a common goal instead trying to determine who is
"king."  SO my comments are not directed to a specific developer but
to the community of developers who subscribe to this list.

I have started a not-for-profit company, Open Source Medical Software,
to promote all of the open source electronic health records.  I have
been serving primarily the OpenEMR community but want to see all of
the different projects succeeding.

I am already operating a version of OpenEMR on this server.  So I have
late models of PHP, MySQL, Apache 1.3.*, Python, SQL-Ledger,
PostgreSQL, ZOPE and Plone already functioning on this server.  OSCAR
would take some additional configuration due to the JAVA – Tomcat

It is difficult for the average open source user to set up working
systems especially with the more difficult configurations like OSCAR.
Would any of the developers from MirrorMed, GnuMed, TORCH, and OSCAR
be willing to set up demo programs of their software on ? 

Each of these projects has a number of features that are note worthy.
   I know that you, Karsten, personally have put in many hours of the
GnuMed back end database and take your schema very seriously.  Setting
up these systems would give average users a single location to "shop
and compare".

Sam Bowen, MD
Hickory, NC


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