Yes, thank you.  It does clarify things.
I think we all need to understand the difference between an open
standard and open software.
If I understand correctly, your software is based on an open standard
that anyone can use for interoperability.  This is good.  The software
itself to access this open standard can be open source or closed but
since the standard is open, there is no barrier to anyone using the
server or the information.  They can use your software or write their own.
Did I get this right?


--- In, Thomas Beale <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> mspohr wrote:
> > Thomas,
> > We don't want to argue about open source.  We just want a clear
> > statement from you.  
> >
> > Is your software open source?
> >
> > If yes, then there should be a place where we can download the source
> > with a GPL type license.
> >
> > If no, then this is a proprietary system and you shouldn't make
> > statements that it is open source.
> >   
> No-one has made any statements that the Ocean Informatics EhrBank 
> openEHR product is open source (Ocean does fund and provide as open 
> source all its archetype-building tools however). It is currently
> source, as mentioned a few posts back.
> > You are perfectly justified in keeping your software proprietary and I
> > personally don't have any problems with that.  However, if you are
> > going to use terms like open source and open standards, then you need
> >   
> Two different things. All the openEHR products built by Ocean, and so 
> far as we know, by others, are based on the openEHR specifications. 
> These are defacto standards from the point of view of many people,
and I 
> don't personally care too much for arguments about what is an
> standard or not. I have been involved with standardisation (of the 
> official kind) for long enough to know that I am only interested in 
> standards that work, which is almost always ones that have an 
> implementation community around them, not ones developed on paper.
> The products I am talking about are for practical purposes 
> 'standards-based'. You can obtain all the relevant specifications, 
> XML-schemas, UML models etc from the web.
> I hope this clarifies things.
> - thomas beale

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