Hi Nandalal,

> You are right on-the-ball here. What the asian
> colleagues would want is exactly what you suggested -
> intro to the core of the standards and what they mean
> in simple short form. They may also want more
> interactive hands on stuff regards FOSS apps rather
> than talks on them. The thing is many have attended
> FOSS conferences where they heard about apps but never
> really saw them working!

therefore we should try to focus more on practice.

> Since installation is the most important part, this
> must be well documented. Issues regards the version of
> different software that work and do  NOT work are
> important in FOSS -eg:  the exact
> Apache/Tomcat/java/mysql/postgresql/php/python
> versions that that work together for that particular
> application, and those that do not.

The afternoon workshops and sessions seem to be perfect to help with
such things. We could turn them into some kind of "install party",
if wanted. People could meet in groups, connect their laptops ...

However, we need to get developers of the single projects, which is
difficult. Most of them develop in their spare time, as hobby, and
they would have to sacrifice their holiday, travel costs etc.
I therefore all the time think about what these developers ("trainers")
could win when visiting the conference? Helping and installing is not
the problem -- most of them like to help and explain things to new
developers. Time and money is the problem.

One big argument to win such developers (who are also reading this list)
is if they could find new participants and new developers for their
projects in Asia. Most of our projects lack manpower. What do the
developers say? Debian-Med, GNUmed, OSCAR, ClearHealth, Care2x,
Torch, OIO, VistA, OpenEMed, TkFamily Practice ...?


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