
Thanks once again. Can you please submit a short half page abstract with 
relevant title of presentation to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
I don't want to preamp the technical committee's decisions, but I'm sure 
looking at open standards for interoperability from the HL7 perspective 
would be most interesting especially if we can also look at constraint 
issues to balance against advantages in its use.

Klaus Veil wrote:

>There has been much progress since 2001 - so much of the content will be
>new.  However, I will again focus of what interoperability standards mean
>for the FOSS community.
>  _____  
>From: openhealth@yahoogroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
>Behalf Of Molly Cheah
>Sent: Monday, 5 February 2007 20:10
>To: openhealth@yahoogroups.com
>Subject: Re: [openhealth] OSHCA Conference Topics
>Hi Klaus,
>You mean as what you did in 2001?
>http://oshca. <http://oshca.org/oshca/history/oldweb/meet2001>
>I would suggest that the technical committee members take note of 
>Klaus's proposals. And thanks Klaus.
>Klaus Veil wrote:
>>I'd be happy to contribute something on HL7 and would also help to get
>>speakers for the other standards.
>>I do think we need a short session on terminology, as this has the main
>>focus now. As you may be aware, SNOMED is in the process of being
>>transformed into a more open international Standards Development
>>Organisation (SDO) with a new HQ in Denmark.

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