The concerns about closedness and excessive cost were indeed the main
drivers that finally convinced CAP in the USA that an "open" international
Standards Development Organisation was the only viable way forward.  CAP
have committed to transfer the SNOMED IP to the new SDO.


From: [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
Behalf Of Nandalal Gunaratne
Sent: Monday, 5 February 2007 20:06
Subject: RE: [openhealth] OSHCA Conference Topics


Most of asia use ICD and other WHO standards. SNOMED
is considered too expensive and too closed. I hope the
new initiative would change that.

--- Klaus Veil <[EMAIL PROTECTED] <> au> wrote:

> Christian,
> I'd be happy to contribute something on HL7 and
> would also help to get
> speakers for the other standards.
> I do think we need a short session on terminology,
> as this has the main
> focus now. As you may be aware, SNOMED is in the
> process of being
> transformed into a more open international Standards
> Development
> Organisation (SDO) with a new HQ in Denmark.
> Klaus
> _____ 
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] <>]
> Behalf Of Christian Heller
> Sent: Monday, 5 February 2007 01:05
> Subject: Re: [openhealth] OSHCA Conference Topics
> Hi Klaus,
> > Re question 3, I would like to suggest we look at
> the topic "How can FOSS
> > applications share data with other existing
> healthcare applications?".
> This
> > aim of the topic is that there already are
> well-established standards
> (HL7,
> > LOINC, SNOMED, etc.) in use in healthcare systems
> and that to be able to
> > integrate into existing healthcare institutions
> any new (FOSS) system must
> > be able to use these standards. We started on this
> topic at the London
> > meeting, but much more work needs to be done.
> yes, you are correct. As I wrote yesterday in my
> other email on
> "Getting OSHCA organised", it should not:
> 1 Define technical architectures
> 2 Mandate use of specific standards .. nor try to
> define its own
> That is at least what we in the committee agreed
> upon. Opinions welcome.
> In other words, OSHCA should focus on
> inter-operability using *existing*
> standards, instead of defining its own, as you
> write. However, it may
> give recommendations on which standards to prefer.
> Although OSHCA would
> be neutral assessing standards, open standards would
> clearly be preferred.
> My thoughts are that it'd be nice to have one-hour
> presentations of
> standards like HXP, HDTF (CORBAmed), OpenEHR, HL7,
> xDT etc. on one day.
> Ideally, the presentations would give few theory and
> demonstrate on
> practical examples (code snippets, live demo or
> whatever), how they work,
> just like at a developer's conference. Although I
> know basic principles
> behind most of these standards, the conference would
> already be worth
> visiting for me, because I'd get essential knowledge
> in a compact form.
> And this is presumably also what our Asian
> (developer) colleagues
> expect from the conference: to get a brief overview
> of important
> technologies. I suggest to exclude terminology
> standards this time,
> or to plan just one presentation giving an overview
> of some of them.
> Instead, we should focus on pure data exchange.
> But these are just my ideas and wishes. Others in
> this list may vote
> me down and change the conference agenda. Tell us
> your wishes and we
> will try to realise them.
> Christian
> [Non-text portions of this message have been
> removed]

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