I strongly suggest that you work with Dr.Bowen that already runs a non-profit, 
oemr.org, for FOSS in healthcare, to avoid splintering efforts.

If I remember correctly, there was an attack on 'patientOS' with the same 

balu raman
office manager
ryder brook pediatrics
morrisville, vt 05661

Fred Trotter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:                               Hello,
             We are starting a 501c3 non-profit foundation to advance
 FOSS in healthcare. Here is our "mission statement":
 To improve the quality of healthcare through the advancement of Free
 and Open Source Medical Software. The Free Medical Software Foundation
 will encourage the use of Free and Open Source software by sponsoring
 development, education and  Health IT initiatives.
 So far this is a project that both I and Ignacio Valdes
 have committed to. In order to make the FMSF as transparent as
 possible, Ignacio and I will be taking public nominations for Board of
 Directors and Board of Advisers positions. We have already invited
 people we know we want to be involved in the BOD, and we will
 potentially pass on nominations without giving any reasons for doing
 so. However, we want the communities input even at this initial stage.
 For all BOD and BOA members, we have a preference for either technical
 expertise, or clinical expertise. We also strongly prefer 'do'ers to
 'talk'ers. We like short meetings.
 BOD members: Must be committed to the FOSS health software movement as
 a whole, as opposed to being associated strongly with a particular
 project or company. We hope that the BOD members will be well-known
 community members who instantly command respect. BOD members will get
 a formal vote on the actions of FMSF.
 BOA members: Are committed to the advancement of a particular project
 or effort within the community. We will be inviting people who are
 associated with either proprietary and FOSS companies, but who are
 making a significant contribution to health FOSS in some fashion. BOA
 will not get a vote on the actions of FMSF.
 Now, I am sure many of you will wonder "What exactly should this
 organization do?" or "Is this organization in competition with
 organization X?" I have specific answers to none of those types of
 questions. Ignacio and I have several initiatives that are critically
 important to the community that do not work well without a non-profit
 behind them. We will be supporting and/or hosting conferences. We will
 pursing funding for the purposes of sponsoring development on
 important projects. Besides that, we want to have an organization that
 can be used to scratch our collective FOSS in healthcare itch. What
 else that will mean will depend in large part on who you suggest as
 BOD members.
 So, this is not an opportunity to discuss what the FMSF will be doing,
 as much as who gets to make that decision. In short, who does the
 community at large trust. Who represents our communities ideals and
 values? Who would therefore make a good BOD member? What projects are
 important enough that we should invite their community members
 specifically to the BOA?
 Feel free to nominate or volunteer now. Please give some detail on why
 you would make a good candidate.
 Fred Trotter

"In fact, when I die, if I don't hear 'A Love Supreme,' I'll turn 
back; I'll know I'm in the wrong place."
    - Carlos Santana

Disclaimer: Any resemblance between the above views and 
those of my creator, my terminal, or the view out my window 
are purely coincidental.
Any resemblance between the above and my own views is 
non-deterministic. The question of the existence of views 
in the absence of anyone to hold them is left as an exercise 
for the reader. The question of the existence of the reader 
is left as an exercise for the second god coefficient. 
(A discussion of non-orthogonal, non-integral polytheism is 
beyond the scope of this article.)
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