          More and more, I get interview requests asking for me to give the
open source perspective to healthcare issues. Sometimes, the questions are
excellent, showing pretty deep insights into the problems (other times the
reporter has no clue what our movement is about)

          When a reporter asks me good questions, I like to reward them by
giving them not only me own insights and opinions but also a sampling of
what the community at large thinks. The better the question, the less likely
I am to be certain of the answer.

         Recently, a reporter wanted my take on the information available
from data.gov from the perspective of the FOSS health IT community. She
asked the following specific questions that I wanted to pass on to the
community at large. Feel free to reply to me privately if you have opinions
you would prefer not to be recorded publicly.

1. What is your view of the healthcare related data sets available on the
www.data.gov Web site? How useful are they? Who are the likely users?  Are
there enough? Which ones do you find most promising?

2. What additional healthcare related data sets would you like to see
available on www.data.gov?

3. How significant do you think www.data.gov is as an open source of health
information? How would you like to see it evolve?

4. Do you foresee any barriers to more healthcare data being shared via

Fred Trotter

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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