On Mon, 2011-06-20 at 23:03 -0600, Ken Gunderson wrote:
> On Mon, 2011-06-20 at 19:58 -0700, Marion Hakanson wrote:
> > What's wrong with just "illumos"?  If you need to distinguish, just use
> > "illumos, the kernel" or "illumos, OS/Net" vs "illumos, the distribution".
> > The original "OpenSolaris, the distribution" was based on "OpenSolaris,
> > the kernel", and other distributions based on "Opensolaris, the kernel"
> > did exist.
> > 
> > One can even get more specific about distros, e.g. "illumos desktop",
> > "illumos server", or "illumos live usb", if needed.
> > 
> > Sure, OI-147 and OI-148 did not come from "illumos, the kernel", but it
> > seems unlikely anyone is going to go back to a base of "OpenSolaris, the
> > kernel" for OpenIndiana, once it's completed the shift to the illumos base.
> > 
> > Do we really need a different name for the "main" distribution?  I 
> > personally
> > find it unnecessary, and it makes explaining to people what the heck OS I'm
> > using a lot harder.  I have to give a whole family tree history instead of
> > just saying, "Illumos is the open source fork of Solaris 11."
> > 
> > I also happen to think "illumos" is an excellent name.  Use it everywhere.
> Uhmmmm... Excuse me, but what have you been smoking?  Drinking, maybe?
> I think Illumos is a pretty lame name, nothing against the people who
> chose it.  I kind of like OpenIndiana, particularly when contracted to
> "oi", as compared to Illumos in that at least it conveys that this is
> supposed to be an "Open" project (although "Open" has been so misused by
> marketroids trying to cash in on the Open Source phenom that in more
> recent times its use has almost become a red flag, particularly
> following the Orcale OpenSolaris fiasco).  
> But all that is neither here nor there.  The point is that your idea
> was/is lame.  And that your mother probably dresses you funny...

P.S.; In the event it may have been less than obvious... above was
intended to be taken with a sense of humor ;-P

Regards-- Ken Gunderson

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