Absolutely we need branding, we need to start working on proper websites for
both projects (here I include Illumos), and we need to start approaching the
marketing question.

I got used to the illumos name, I still find openindiana a pretey unsexy
name, but we can go on with it if we cheer up other aspects of the

I sugested time ago to turn the "i" upside down and trun it into an
exclamation "!", this would make O! instead of OI, with a proper tipeface it
is still posible to read it as an i.   The dot of the exclamation mark
should be below the bottom line of the word, sorry I cannot ilustrate that
on plain text. I would paste the words togeter but use different collor for
"open" and "indiana" open!ndana.
Anyway "O" stands for open, and the excalmation mark enphasized the opening.

The indiana part of open!ndiana points out to opensolaris past, even if it
reminds some very local american lifestyle.... Not fantastic but we can go
with it.
This way we have a logo O!  and a trademark open!ndiana.

I think we need the illumos trademark to be very visible all around. It must
be clear that Oi (O!) runs on illumos

I have liferay servers that I could offer for hosting a decent website for
the project, some profesional designers, and we could code some java
banners, menus and such. This could be deployed rather fast.

I liked Garret´s t-shirt on the videos, I would sugest to redraw the bird a

Feel free to contact if you have some sugestions.



On Tue, Jun 21, 2011 at 10:45 AM, Marion Hakanson <hakan...@ohsu.edu> wrote:

> kgund...@teamcool.net said:
> > But all that is neither here nor there.  The point is that your idea
> > was/is lame.
> Yeah, but what do you think of my idea?
> >  And that your mother probably dresses you funny...
> Not for several decades, she hasn't (:-).
> kgund...@teamcool.net said:
> > P.S.; In the event it may have been less than obvious... above was
> intended
> > to be taken with a sense of humor ;-P
> Phew, for a minute there I thought you might not entirely agree with me
> (:-).
> > ...Marion Hakanson wrote:
> > > I also happen to think "illumos" is an excellent name.  Use it
> everywhere.
> OK, I may have exaggerated a bit.  But I do like the name -- I think it's
> a clever play on words, in multiple directions.  And the fact that most of
> my immediate family members are well-versed in the Harry Potter stories
> probably has nothing to do with it.
> kgund...@teamcool.net said:
> > I kind of like OpenIndiana, particularly when contracted to
> > "oi", as compared to Illumos in that at least it conveys that this is
> > supposed to be an "Open" project (although "Open" has been so misused by
> > marketroids trying to cash in on the Open Source phenom that in more
> > recent times its use has almost become a red flag, particularly
> > following the Orcale OpenSolaris fiasco).
> I'm enough of an old Unix geek that I dislike the "Indiana" name's
> association with a project that was an attempt to make Solaris more
> Linux-like.  I'm also one of those who puts /usr/gnu/bin at the end of the
> PATH at install time (yet note that I do not remove it entirely), just so
> you know which segment of the target audience I'm in.  Of course, my spouse
> is from Indiana, and that relationship is going pretty well, so you never
> can tell....
> Never mind my opinion, however.  We all know that I have no future in
> marketing, nor likely in any popular or for-profit enterprise of any kind.
> We now return you to your lameness-free content (:-)....
> Regards,
> Marion
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