Hello all!

As my finger slowly turns red from pressing the d key again and again
(yes, Emacs VM, the One True MUA, uses d to delete mails), I keep asking
myself:  Does anyone really think that OI (and by extension Illumos) 
will be used or even looked at more just because it is renamed according
to the naming-scheme-du-jour?

Come on.  Illumos is a great name.  Us in-people know how it came
about, and the rest just don't care.  OpenIndiana was perfectly
logical at the time, too.  

"Linux" is not the greatest of names either.  It became what it is
today for any number of reasons, but not because of the name.

Should the domain names, the infrastructure, the mailing lists, etc.
etc. all given up because of some fleeting hope of attracting one
more n00b?

There must be some more pressing issues.

Regards -- Volker
Volker A. Brandt               Consulting and Support for Oracle Solaris
Brandt & Brandt Computer GmbH                   WWW: http://www.bb-c.de/
Am Wiesenpfad 6, 53340 Meckenheim                     Email: v...@bb-c.de
Handelsregister: Amtsgericht Bonn, HRB 10513              Schuhgröße: 46
Geschäftsführer: Rainer J. H. Brandt und Volker A. Brandt

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