On Oct 10, 2011, at 7:22 PM, Robar Philip wrote:

> On Oct 10, 2011, at 6:55 PM, Tobias Famulla wrote:
>> If you change from Windows or even Mac OS to a posix-like system ….
> Windows and Mac OS both have POSIX, though one could argue as to how useful 
> Windows’s is. OS X is actually UNIX certified.

The latter missing I think some optional subsets.

One difference I find annoying about Windows is how shares are handled 
differently on the client: with them only visible per-session.  If I have a 
drive mapped to a server on the graphic session, and log in again via telnet, 
it's not visible in that session.  More, mappings are different per-user (and 
have to be since I think authentication is only passed at the mapping time, or 
else becomes fixed then).  This means everyone has a different view of the 
total set of filesystems - and drive letters rather than true mounts into a 
single tree encourage that.  While there are cases where that might be useful, 
mostly it's a problem for network shares and local storage to behave 
differently in that regard.

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