Well, the first command shows a big problem right away. The DVD didn't create /.volsetid!! sigh

I copied the one from the DVD, but then it didn't boot at all. Using this:
I managed to delete the file and get back to a semi-functional state. So, before I start chasing my own tail with the network issue, I need to figure out how to create a valid .volsetid..

In 20 years of (Open)Solaris/OpenIndiana administration, I've *never* experienced something like this. :-(


On 11/22/2013 1:35 AM, Stefan Müller-Wilken wrote:
Hi Rainer,

Yep. Didn't work for me, as I need the system to boot right into a
networking state. Like all of the NWAM documentation I found, I had to
log in before the networking came up.

what do you mean by 'boot into a networking state'? Simply boot and configure a 
static network address without your intervention? And we're talking about 
oi_158a installed to a disk and booting via GRUB? That should work!

Can you give me the output of ...

# svcs -xv
# svcs nwam
# nwamcfg list
# nwamadm list

... and, if you're using the automatic profile and your NCU is e1000g0 (modify 
it otherwise) the output of:

# nwamcfg "select ncp automatic; select ncu ip e1000g0; list -a"


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