I had a few minutes to poke around, and I found the problem (at last!). The log never really showed anything, but it finally made me question something.

The /etc/hosts file that I've used since 151a1 needed changing. It seems rules have tightened up. Quite simply, you can no longer have the hostname on the line. This should maybe be clarified on the wiki, since it _had_ been allowed until 151a7.


On 11/26/2013 5:47 PM, Rainer Heilke wrote:
On 11/26/2013 5:22 PM, Jim Klimov wrote:
On 2013-11-27 02:00, Rainer Heilke wrote:
This is what I would expect with NWAM disabled. But I explicitly do
*not* want to use NWAM.

As a side note, network/physical:default _does_ bring up my secondary
interface e1000g1, which will be used for my two SunRays. e1000g0 is
supposed to be, while e1000g1 comes up correctly as

Okay... and what does NOT work ("supposed to" means problems?)
e1000g0 is not brought up with an IP address/netmask on boot-up.
Is e1000g0 configured in the same manner as e1000g1?
Yes. In fact, I backed up my previous network config files, and when the manual way didn't work, I cp -p 'd the originals into /etc. These files had been working properly since 151a1.
Are you certain it is named e1000g0 indeed (things do get funny
I've double-checked this several times (and see above).

I.e. do both NICs show up here?:

# dladm show-phys
LINK         MEDIA                STATE      SPEED  DUPLEX DEVICE
e1000g0      Ethernet             up         1000   full e1000g0
e1000g1      Ethernet             up         1000   full e1000g1

Just in case, does "devfsadm -Cv" reconfigure any device nodes?
No. It actually cleans up some USB and a bunch of dsk and rdsk nodes.



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