Hi August,

It is good to bring to back old memory occasionally. I've almost forgotten ViewSpecificGroup in Java 3D. :-) Thanks for sharing your proof of concept work in using Node.snapshot. We will take a closer study of your work. It is possible that you might have uncovered new area where we have missing 3D support on existing feature.

- Chien

On 7/28/2013 10:14 AM, August Lammersdorf, InteractiveMesh wrote:
"Simultaneous viewing based on Node.snapshot - proof of concept"


certainly you remember Java 3D's multiple view concept based on ViewSpecificGroup (not easy to apply but powerful). It allows to assign the entire graph or sub-graphs or even single nodes to one or several cameras/canvases simultaneously. Animations (Behavior) are executed only once. Then the engine renders individually the assigned/extracted sub-scene for each camera/canvas.

The current JavaFX Scene/SubScene-design leads to an exclusive one-to-one-relationship of a 2D/3D-scene-graph and a camera.

Simultaneous views require at least individual lighting (headlight) per camera to avoid 'overexposure' or unwanted shading effects.

Thanks for your 'Node.snapshot' implementation hint and code example.

So, I tried to apply this approach to FXTuxCube and added a second camera. It works to some extend:

1st camera
 - some flicker for higher cube sizes during mouse navigation

2nd camera
 - one frame delayed
 - only default lighting/headlight, no individual lighting (?)
 - AmbientLight doesn't seem to be applied
 - no individual extraction of sub-graphs
 - currently permanent running AnimationTimer for repainting

The first result - FXTuxCubeSV - can be launched and downloaded here:


Am Freitag, den 26.07.2013, 17:43 +0200 schrieb Chien Yang <chien.y...@oracle.com>:
Hi August,

   John Yoon, Richard and I have a private discussion on the
possibility of avoiding "cloning" for your use case. We wonder do you
ever need to interact with the 3D scene via the various sub views? Or
these sub views are purely for viewing the 3d scene with different
cameras? If  this is your use case scenario, have you thought of using

    public WritableImage snapshot(SnapshotParameters params,
WritableImage image) {

Where you can call snapshot on the node with a specified camera (in
the snapshot params).  It will then render the node from that camera's
viewpoint and put the result in an WritableImage. You can then add it
into the scenegraph using an ImageView.  I have attached a very simple
example on how snapshot can be used with an ancillary camera. Please
let us know of your progress in this work. We would hope to learn from
this work so that we can evaluate it to see if there are any
performance / semantic problems. You will likely ended up with a one
frame behind rendering in those sub views, but do let us know for your

- Chien

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