err... two identical groups of nodes**

On 7/25/2013 11:04 AM, Joseph Andresen wrote:

On 7/25/2013 10:37 AM, Richard Bair wrote:
Hi August,

"I think we already do multiple active cameras?"

More precisely: simultaneous viewing from different points of view into a single 3D scene graph was meant, i.e. several cameras are attached to one scene graph. A SubScene has exactly one camera attached which renders the associated scene graph into the corresponding SubScene's rectangle. Implementing simultaneous viewing requires a cloned 3D scene graph for the second, third, and so on SubScene/Camera. Material, Mesh, and Image objects can be re-used because they are shareable. Animations of Nodes' Transforms seem to be shareable as well. But Transitions (Rotate, Scale, Translate) have to be cloned because they operate on a Node's methods directly. So, simultaneous viewing seems practicable.
Jasper or Kevin will have to comment, but I know this scenario was talked about extensively in the design for the renderToImage and cameras, and I thought this was possible today.
I know that one way to do this is by rendering the same group of nodes twice, using two different cameras each time, and using render to image or whatever to get your "RTT". I haven't tried it but i suspect it goes something like calling render to image on a group with one camera and then render to image on the same group with a different camera.

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