Yes, that is still the approach. The challenge isn't just strictly on rendering. Let's take picking a "shared" node as an example. Imagine this node is in a scenegraph viewed by more than 1 camera. The question is where do we hang the set picked information. There is some level of "cloning" needed within JavaFX if we want to free application developer from doing it.

- Chien

On 7/25/2013 7:31 PM, Richard Bair wrote:
I thought the approach was not to have multiple parents, but to render into an 

On Jul 25, 2013, at 5:26 PM, Chien Yang<>  wrote:

We don't support sharable Node. Some one will have to do the cloning of the 
scenegraph, either the application or JavaFX. Now I may have opened a can of 
worms. ;-)

- Chien

On 7/25/2013 5:20 PM, Richard Bair wrote:
Having to clone the nodes hardly seems like simultaneous viewing from different 
points of view?

On Jul 25, 2013, at 5:17 PM, Chien Yang<>  wrote:

Hi August,

      We did talk through some use cases such as PIP and rear view mirror. You 
can do simultaneous viewing from different points of view into a single 3D 
scene via the use of SubScenes. The key point, as you have clearly stated, is 
the need to clone the scene graph nodes per SubScene.

- Chien

On 7/25/2013 10:37 AM, Richard Bair wrote:
Hi August,

"I think we already do multiple active cameras?"

More precisely: simultaneous viewing from different points of view into a 
single 3D scene graph was meant, i.e. several cameras are attached to one scene 
A SubScene has exactly one camera attached which renders the associated scene 
graph into the corresponding SubScene's rectangle. Implementing simultaneous 
viewing requires a cloned 3D scene graph for the second, third, and so on 
SubScene/Camera. Material, Mesh, and Image objects can be re-used because they 
are shareable. Animations of Nodes' Transforms seem to be shareable as well. 
But Transitions (Rotate, Scale, Translate) have to be cloned because they 
operate on a Node's methods directly. So, simultaneous viewing seems 
Jasper or Kevin will have to comment, but I know this scenario was talked about 
extensively in the design for the renderToImage and cameras, and I thought this 
was possible today.

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