On Mon, 2 Mar 2020 12:53:21 GMT, Florian Kirmaier <fkirma...@openjdk.org> wrote:

>>> It's now part of the systemtests, because the memory-semantics for the 
>>> tests in controls is changed due to the TestToolkit.
>> just curious: does that imply that you think the tests in controls ... 
>> rather useless?
> @kleopatra 
> It's not useless, but having a special Toolkit which is only used inside of 
> JavaFX itself is very unreasonable. It would make much more sense, to use the 
> same basis for unit-test as the rest of the JavaFX-Community which is 
> monocle. The systemTests also seem to work quite well.

The unit tests in the `javafx.controls` and `javafx.graphics modules` have used 
the StubToolkit since the early days. These tests are actually quite useful, 
but are not able to test anything that depends on the glass toolkit, prism 
rendering, etc.

[JDK-8090538](https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8090538) was filed 
several years ago to explore replacing the StubToolkit with a headless, 
Monocle-based glass toolkit, but it didn't get very far. There would be some 
advantages in doing this, but some drawbacks as well (see the discussion thread 
referred by the above JBS issue). More importantly, it would be a lot of work 
to do it right, and it isn't clear at this point whether it would be justified 
by the benefit.

So as far as _this_ PR goes, a test in the systemTests project seems fine.

I'll put this back on my review queue.


PR: https://git.openjdk.java.net/jfx/pull/71

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