Freddie Chopin wrote:
> > I could not disagree more with Freddie.
> How about you become a release manager for a bugfix release 0.7.1?

You already know that I favor keeping master releasable at all times,
and you also know that other contributors don't really agree with
that approach. Overall code quality will only ever be as good as the
worst contributions that are accepted. It's a downward spiral, which
can be seen in any and every project.

> I know complaining is more fun, but...

What's the point of that comment? I hate bad software, and it makes
me really sad that OpenOCD has so many problems and the broken idea
of releases. I don't see why complaining would be fun.

I'm not afraid to talk about problems and I'm not afraid to tell you
when I think that what you have done could have been done better. You
have to decide how you receive that..

Either you have the attitude that you are already doing the very best
that you are possibly able to do, and that it is impossible for you
to do better in any way. Then you will get upset when I point out
problems, because it is impossible for you to do any better anyway.

Or you have the attitude that you can learn new things and become
better every day, by thinking about problems and about solutions,
when someone brings them up..


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