Freddie Chopin wrote:
> > Can we revert the changes that went into 0.7.0 and resubmit them to Gerrit?
> I'm confused... This discussion is about patches that are NOT in 0.7.0 
> (fixes for building OpenOCD for ARM platform)

No Freddie, the discussion is about the brokenness in 0.7.0 which
those patches propose to fix. I would have submitted them long ago if
they had been tested. There are of course more ways to fix the b0rk,
one of which is to revert the commits which introduced the problem.

> posted AFTER rc2

rcs mean nothing. Maybe you think they do, or want them to do, but
downstrean consumers could not care less about rcs. See how even
Linux fails at getting rcs tested as widely as the release. It's
ridiculous to think that OpenOCD would get more attention from
downstreams than the kernel gets.

So, don't bother with rcs, just do releases - have master releasable
at all times. As Øyvind points out, there seems to be tremendous
momentum required to get to that point..

> why should it be top priority for OpenOCD?

Yeah, who cares what gets released as long as there are releases,
because *releases* mean progress! The kids story about the naked
emperor comes to mind.

> If users of Debian are fine with having 0.5.0 as stable and testing

Users of debian have pretty much zero influence on what gets
packaged. Packagers create packages. Most users are not packagers -

> they can wait for 0.8.0

They don't have much choice I guess.

> why it's mentioned NOW

Because no matter how much you or I would wish for downstreams to be
super proactive within upstream projects, that is rarely the case.

> Not to mention 0.7.0-rc1 and 0.7.0-rc2

Hopefully it's more clear why they don't matter..


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