(I created a separate thread, since this is not related to the original 
message, and I would like the question related to the new release to be debated)

> On 8 May 2019, at 21:44, <kristof.mul...@telenet.be> 
> <kristof.mul...@telenet.be> wrote:
> Hi Mr. Liviu,
> Compiling OpenOCD from the source code into a working executable on Windows
> is quite difficult. I noticed you're one of the few people able to do that
> (for which I thank you).

you're welcome

> I've tried doing this myself as well, and the best guide I've found so far
> is this one:
> https://www.playembedded.org/blog/building-openocd-under-windows-using-msys2
> /
> It works. Unfortunately, it's not the latest version. It uses a repository
> from a guy named "Alex Pux" (see chapter 4.2 in the guide). It's not using
> the actual OpenOCD gerrit repository.
> How do you compile OpenOCD for Windows?

well, you should differentiate compiling OpenOCD intended to run on your 
specific machine, from creating production grade distributions which include 
standalone binaries intended to run on any machine, which is a more difficult 

my build scripts address only the later case, and are available from a separate 
git project:


the scripts run on CentOS 6 Docker containers, to create the Linux and Windows 
binaries, and on macOS 10.10 to create the macOS binaries.

the Windows binaries are cross compiled with mingw-w64 gcc-7.4. separate 32 and 
64-bit binaries are provided.

according to GitHub analytics, since 2015, there were 143 K downloads, which I 
guess is an important figure.

compiling OpenOCD for development purposes or for local use is currently not 
supported very well by the current scripts; it is possible, but it is tedious, 
since the scripts will always run the steps to validate the binaries and pack 
the result in an archive.

FYI, I had a similar problem with QEMU, and for it I added a separate script, 
to build the native binaries. on windows it requires the new Microsoft WSL 
(Windows System for Linux), which allows to run an Ubuntu inside Windows, so 
the script takes the same approach, cross compiling with mingw-w64 gcc-7.4.

> Do you have a guide on how to do
> that?

the README in the above link provides some info.

however the full details are in the scripts themselves.



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