On 25/10/20 5:39 pm, kristof.mul...@telenet.be wrote:
> This of course throws a new question in the group: do
> you (OpenOCD developers) like the style - the "look and
> feel" - of our website (https://embeetle.com)?

Well, I'll point out that I'm just one of the users of OpenOCD, not a
developer.  Above all features a website should have, it should work.

Looking nice is pretty useless if the site doesn't achieve its aim of
disseminating information.

There's definitely been a "fashion trend" for single-page-application
style websites being used in place of more traditional
server-side-rendered sites.  I think it's wise to critically ask: "do I
really need to do it this way?"

If something is likely to change on the page after the user initially
loads it, sure, use a framework that lets you do the DOM-twiddling
needed.  I'm thankful we've moved beyond the bad old days of two ways of
doing things in early 21st century DHTML.

That said, most of these frameworks are huge.  Wherever the OpenOCD
website gets hosted, there's an Internet quota to consider.  For a quota
of finite size: a trebling of the page's download size means we can
support one third of the page views in a month before the web host
starts charging for over-quota usage.

Add to this the code safety concerns, and the argument for complex
client-side rendering quickly becomes frivolous.

> You said:
>> "[..] bit hard to make a browser-based development
>> environment without some sort of client-side code
>> executing, whether it be JavaScript, Adobe Flash,
>> Sun Java applets, etc."
> Embeetle is not a browser-based IDE. It's a desktop
> application intended for Linux and Windows. Is there
> something about the homepage that made you think our
> IDE is browser-based?

Ahh right, I did have a brief look at the documentation but didn't
bother downloading as it didn't serve a use case I needed.  I had
assumed that the reason the website needed lots of scripts enabled was
because it did it all in the browser.
Stuart Longland (aka Redhatter, VK4MSL)

I haven't lost my mind...
  ...it's backed up on a tape somewhere.

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