
I would like to let you know about:

- [Hugo](https://gohugo.io/)
- [Jekyll](https://jekyllrb.com/)

These are static websites generators.
What is very attractive for me is that the website can be written using *Markdown*. I must confess that I haven't tried any of them, but recently I started being interested in *Markdown* proper. And as I aim to center everything around *Markdown*, I came across *Hugo* and *Jekyll*.

On 24/10/2020 15:16, kristof.mul...@telenet.be wrote:
"https is not a problem, thanks to letsencrypt. I can
   set it up (for free) if it is hosted on my server. All
   they would need to do is point a DNS record for their
   domain (or a subdomain like new.openocd.org to experiment)
   to my server at"
For experimentation that's fine.
But for the final implementation, I vote against.
Although I'm not a part of OpenOCD, my suggestion is that the whole infrastructure is in the hands of OpenOCD *owners*. But that does not prevent *Johan* becoming part of OpenOCD and with an agreement, keeping part of the infrastructure on his personal services.

And yes, the website really needs a bit of refinement. ;-)

I wish you all the best!

Best regards,
Andrzej Telszewski

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