Rick Altherr wrote:
> This looks like an excellent direction for this.  A few questions:
 >  - Under what conditions would we need to re-enumerate the JTAG chain?

It is not "renumerate the chain" - it is more of an internal thing - 
using symbolic names internally makes more sense, also - from the stand 
point of the configuration scripts - today - you have a Beagle board 
with exactly 1 chip in the chain (with N internal taps). Somebody else 
might have other chips in the chain. From a "openocd.cfg" point of view 
- named targets is a *BETTER* solution for us humans.

 > - What other operations are needed for the new JTAG syntax?

I'm sure we will have some housekeeping problems to deal with. I'm not 
sure of the total list.

 > [snip ... ] consider abstracting the idea of the conduit for talking 
to a target/pld?  [snip]

I think that generally exists today - by way of "execute_que()" in the 
interface structure. The issue is: The interface structure only supports 
ONE type of que, hence my suggestion in other (SPI) email about renaming 
execute_que() to execute_jtag_que() - and adding execute_spi_que().

The general idea is if "execute_spi_que()" is NULL - then that interface 
does not support SPI... We probably could also have a execute_gpio_que() 
to just do bit bang stuff.

What I do not know enough about is SWJ - for example do we need 
execute_swj_que()? Which - perhaps uses the same "jtag_work_que" ... I 
don't know enough about SWJ to answer.

Maybe one day we add:   execute_pic_chip_que() ... who knows.

 > - Is it possible to do some form of autodetection of the JTAG chain?

I believe mostly 90% yes - what I don't know about is the "IR Register 
Length" detection. I am fuzzy in that area.
But - for example UrJTAG seems to do that - that is the purpose of the 
data base.

One problem: Not every vendor of arm chips has been good about 
identifying tap numbers. ie: Many chips respond with identical numbers - 
the "arm7tdmi number" is a good example. In other cases, some chip 
makers changed the "arm7tdmi" default number to something else. It seems 
to be a mixed bag.

We can perhaps have a "Gee this really looks (90%) confidence this is an 
ARM7TDMI..." Or - another message: "If this is number 0x12345678 really 
is an ARM7DMI - please report info about it to openocd".

But we *MUST* have a  OVER-RIDE feature ... in some form.


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