On Thu, Nov 20, 2008 at 8:45 PM, Rick Altherr <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> This looks like an excellent direction for this.  A few questions:
> - Under what conditions would we need to re-enumerate the JTAG chain?
> - What other operations are needed for the new JTAG syntax?
> - Given the idea of support SWJ, I2C, SPI, should we consider abstracting
> the idea of the conduit for talking to a target/pld?  My knowledge of the
> underlying protocols is slim (feel free to send pointers for good reference
> documents), but it seems like the target/pld code could be written entirely
> in terms of register operations and let the "conduit" deal with how that
> operation is accomplished.  Each conduit could map to a set of interfaces.
>  This would require a fairly significant amount of work in the target code
> since it assumes JTAG.
> - Is it possible to do some form of autodetection of the JTAG chain?
> Rick
> I have code lying around for read/write of 'standard' SPI & I2C eeproms
(at24Cxyz [i2c] and at25Cxyz [spi]).  The interface is a separate file from
the protocol, so it should be applicable.  It's up for grabs if someone goes
down this road.  All the 8-bit guys have internal eeprom, and we (arm7/9)
don't, so it seems a good match, I've been putting eeproms on my pcb's for
some time now, even though they only see very occasional use.

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