
duane>  # Example: Declare a chip, for example some Xilinx FPGA
duane>  jtag newtap xilinx   -chip xilinx  -ir-length  6 -ir-capture 
???? -ir-mask ????

rick> [I don't like chip]

duane> I prefer "chip" for one reason. Physically that is what is 
present on the board.

rick> That's a pretty narrow focus for the designator.  If someone had 2 
boards that shared a JTAG chain,

I think multi-board _today_  would be a very rarefied event in the world 
that OpenOCD lives in.

Earlier in the life of OpenOCD - it was *RARE* to see multi-tap chips 
(+2 years ago)  Today - it is more common and in fact to watch the 
questions on the list - many ARM926 chips are multi-tap.  It is quite 
confusing to users. And in some cases - I have seen a rare mention of 
multi-chip chains. That however is understandable - you have a schematic 
in front of you.  I have *NEVER* seen an actual hardware that has 
multi-board level jtag chains.  I suspect - if they exist - it is for 
system level board interconnect testing.  I suspect 
"board-level-interconnect' is rare out side of a "factory or very very 
high end" configuration. 

OpenOCD just does not live in that arena.

For that reason, I think today - "chip" is sufficient.


duane>  [about the TAP syntax] What if we changed the syntax like this:

duane>  jtag  create  CHIPNAME    TAPNAME  .... options ...

rick> What namespace are the chips and taps put into? 

Per your suggest, chip & tap remain a parameter to the "jtag configure" 

rick>  What does target creation look like?

Target creation - today uses the  "--chain-position NUMBER",

rick>   Do they need to specify the chip and tap as two separate arguments?

Good question. What about this:  Put a "dot" between the two - it is 
sort of like TK path names.

It would become:    "--chain-position  CHIP.TAP"


duane> [about name spaces]
rick>  [about name spaces]

Agreed - Namespace is becoming a bigger issue.

Thus - per your suggestion, all "tap" based things require either (1) 
the "jtag" command prefix or (2)  a "path-like" name.


BTW - this back and forth is very helpful - Thank you.

Sometimes my head gets wound up in places it should not be!


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