On Sun, 2009-06-21 at 18:33 -0400, Duane Ellis wrote:
> zach> I am afraid that your intent will not matter even one iota, in a 
> court of law.
> This is not, and was not ever my intent, I am speaking of what I see as 
> the original authors "GPL+[undocumented]-exception" intention.
> zach> If you want to make exceptions, then they do not apply to the new 
> code.  You cannot retroactively change the license;
> The code was *Domenic's* to license in that way, as he was the original 
> author.
> I am not changing anything, I am only stating what I see as the history 
> of the project, things that happened +3 years before I was involved.
> I don't like it, you obviously do not, and I believe others equally do 
> not like it.
> I would like to see this exception *documented* so that it does not 
> expand, or continue beyond this exact situation.
> Then we can move on.

I claim that there never was an exception to the GPL, if it was not
documented as part of the public SVN tree.  If the original authors
allowed the distributors to produce binaries with this functionality,
that appears to involve separate legal licensing agreements from the
distribution of GPL binaries.

Again, I have no interest in looking back at past "violations", because
this kind of tacit understanding with the original author -- and because
I have no claim and do not really care.  That said, the present
situation remains the same.  The license cannot be changed retroactively
on the current trunk, no matter what Dominic's intent might be; such
changes could only be applied to the revisions of agreeing contributors.

If we had a list of all contributors that would allow such an exception,
we could determine the earliest possible revision that may be exempted.
Do we really want to go down that road?  This issue has already balloon
beyond control; today, I received what can only be described as "hate
mail" for defending my position.  I would prefer this be settled now by
other contributors defend my interpretation of the situation.

I will not be intimidated into backing down on this issue.  Others are
welcome to send me private e-mail to call me a "nazi" and otherwise
debase my contributions to the project with profanity, but I would
prefer to be convinced through a more articulate debate on this list.



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