Freddie Chopin wrote:
>>> How common is what? Lack of SRST?
>> Yes?
> For me such situations are almost impossible,

Impossible? Weird measure of common. :)

> but some strange and bizarre policy makes default target file for
> stm32 tell OpenOCD there is no reset at all...

My perception of the situation is strongly the opposite. There is no
policy, relax, there is just people working together making something
generic that works. This is a difficult task.

> Number of things that users of OpenOCD have to do prior to using it 
> for it's main purpose tends to grow, rather than shrink...

Maybe things need to get a little worse before they can get a lot
better. I think we're still learning about cm3.

> Completely off-topic: sometimes I think, that open-source projects
> are just a cover-up made by people working for big companies

Sorry, this is a bit silly. I can understand that open source
projects are immensely frustrating if there is some kind of
incompatibility, be it attitude or philosophy or even trivial
stuff like coding style.

And the fact that projects to a high degree are based on voluntary
contributions means that it can be basically impossible to get
something done the way you like unless you do it yourself. I am not
complaining that *you* do not contribute here, I mean this completely

I also completely understand that not everyone can do the changes
themselves, but it's also important to remember that those who
selflessly do want to contribute code changes that will help others
have very limited resources, so it might take time.

Using the program is also very important, I belive that testing and
bug reports is the only way to make significant progress.. And
documentation, and training for others, and so on..

Just remember that this is really just piece of sh*t software that we
are hacking on to make it do a decent job. It is still good enough to
sell products based on, and sometimes it's many many times better
than proprietary products, but it is still not that amazing. Very
little software is. Fixing that is of course a huge task, but we all
want to make things better and try to help as best we can.

>>> If SRST is available, no soft-reset is required.
>> Of course. What decides on the code path?
> I don't understand the question,

Sorry, it was unclear. I meant to ask how openocd knows to use SRTS
or soft-reset and if soft-reset then how it knows to use SYSRESETREQ
or VECTRESET. I guess it's all target and board config files.

> so here is a blind answer...
> 1. no chip resets, no cortex-m3 reset method specified - use
> SYSRESETREQ (now use VECTRESET - does not reset peripherals)
> 2. chip reset available, cortex-m3 reset method specified - use
> cortex-m3 reset method that was specified

What cm3 reset method would that be, for example? C code in OpenOCD?

> 3. chip resets available, no cortex-m3 reset method specified - use SRST


> 4. no chip resets, cortex-m3 reset method specified - use it, but
> if cortex-m3 reset method is SRST that will be changed to
> SYSRESETREQ (now it will be changed to VECTRESET, note as in 1.)

Uh? So the cm3 reset method is not in C, but can be set to SRST?

Freddie Chopin wrote:
> On 2010-11-11 20:47, Spencer Oliver wrote:
>> I disagree with this patch as SYSTEMRESET is not supported as
>> expected on all cores.
> Shouldn't the code assume that this standard mechanism works as the
> standard says? If some chip does not support it, than this chip
> should have VECTRESET selected in its config file, why make trouble
> for chips that obey this standard?

I think this makes sense. If SYSRESETREQ is the standard and it is
more complete then that should be the default, and those who don't
support it can spec a degraded reset functionality if that's the best
that can be done.

>> I still believe the best way is for each core to state that it
>> supports SYSTEMRESET over VECTRESET in the cfg file.

I guess this is what I was asking about - how common are the two?

Maybe it makes the most sense to always require explicit reset
configuration in the config files.

> LPC2xxx supposedly cannot be reset into halted mode (because SRST
> pulls TRST)

Please *stop* adding to this misconception! I've had to patch both
lpc2148.cfg and lpc1768.cfg because someone apparently did not read
the chip PDFs before making or changing the config files. It's

The whole issue is really simple IMO; each "level" of config file
(cm3 vs. lpc1768, arm7 vs. lpc2148, etc) should reflect the accurate
settings for that level, and more specific files can override more
generic ones as neccessary.

It's totally possible that there is no applicable default for cm3 in
general, then we just don't spec anything on that level, and we make
sure to add a check into openocd so that it screams at the user if no
reset config has been made, when cm3 is used.

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