On Wed, Jul 27, 2011 at 12:22 AM, Steve Franks <bahamasfra...@gmail.com>wrote:

> On Tue, Jul 26, 2011 at 3:06 PM, Andreas Fritiofson
> <andreas.fritiof...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > 0.4.0 is rather old, you may be seeing a bug that has already been fixed.
> > Grab the latest version from the repo and give it a try. I don't think
> > anyone will bother with a bug report against 0.4.0 at this point.
> Is there a reason ubuntu has a "rather old" version in their primary
> repositories?  Just not as 'sexy' as libreoffice, so no one bothers to
> build it?

Pretty much so. Plus the fact that 0.4.0 really is the latest release and
packagers are unwilling to use snapshots. Long time between releases isn't
the best thing for a fairly active project like this. But I hear that's
going to change (but again, where's 0.5.0-rc3?).

> > Post a debug log (add -d to the command line) so we can see what's going
> on
> > under the hood.
> with -d I guess it's not hung, it's just silently ignoring the command

Debug: 427 19156 target.c:968 target_call_event_callbacks(): target
> event 2 (gdb-halt)
> flash write_image erase unlock Main.elf 0Debug: 428 19256 target.c:968
> target_call_event_callbacks(): target event 2 (gdb-halt)
> Debug: 429 19357 target.c:968 target_call_event_callbacks(): target
> event 2 (gdb-halt)
Yes, totally ignored. Where are you issuing the flash write_image command?
Not to standard input, right? That won't work. Use the command line (-c init
-c "reset init" -c "flash write_image erase unlock Main.elf"), an extra
config file, the telnet server on port 4444 for interactive use, or just
load from within gdb.

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