It seems that when most of the rpms that have config files are upgraded,
the working config is moved to some *.rpmsave file and the new one is
put into place.  What this basically means is that any services on a
server where we might upgrade an rpm on will temporarily break.  Most
other linux distributions will put the new config with an upgraded
package as *.rpmnew instead of moving aside the working config.  Then it
would be up to the administrators to do a comparison to see if anything
needs to be added or modified between the working config and the new
config.  This seems to be a better approach so that running services are
not broken in the middle of upgrading a package.  Why does OpenPKG move
the working config aside instead?  Can this be changed so the packages
with configs will copy the new config as *.rpmnew so running services
don't break?  The problem that I'm trying to solve here is that we want
to have a certain portion of rpms automatically updated on a weekly
basis as needed in a more or less hands off fashion, but if the upgrade
means that the services break because the running config is moved aside,
then that's not possible.  Any comments?

David M. Fetter - UNIX Systems Administrator
Portland State University -

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