On Sat, Jun 25, 2005, Simon Mudd wrote:

> ...                   I think this is a firewall issue.  Is there an
> openpkg.org http url which can be used to reach the packages and rdf
> files?
> [2] Since I have not seen other reports like this perhaps the problem
> is mine alone.

No, you're not alone. What OS/firewall are you using ?
For me it works, when i use ftp directly from the internet gateway, so
i did not try to resolve this, until now. It also works, when i'm
using rsync.


Matthias Kurz; Fuldastr. 3; D-28199 Bremen; VOICE +49 421 53 600 47
  >> Im prämotorischen Cortex kann jeder ein Held sein. (bdw) <<
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