On 14/11/06, Andreas Jellinghaus <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
ludovic: does pcsc know about the limitation of the ccid readers?


does it expose this to opensc, so we can set max_recv/send_size

No. But I can do that.

As I said in a previous message, the CCID driver can expose this
reader limitation using a PC/SC call to SCardGetAttrib(..,
SCARD_ATTR_MAXINPUT, ..) to let the application know the maximum input
size (the SCardGetAttrib() call is made by the application). This
would be transparent for pcsc-lite.

The problem is I don't know if SCARD_ATTR_MAXINPUT can be used for
that. Does anybody have a documentation of the Microsoft SCARD_ATTR_*

or is there any other mechanism that already takes
care of the problem?

No. pcsc-lite has no idea of this limitation and could not do anything with it.
In T=0 the _application_ has to use APDU of the correct size
In T=1 the _driver_ has to use blocks of the correct size


 Dr. Ludovic Rousseau
opensc-devel mailing list

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