Cornelius Kölbel wrote:
> Hi,
> unfortunately I guess at the moment it will not make it easier for your
> users. The integration of smartcards is not seamless into any linux
> distribution yet.
> Even if all opensc software is installed and your token/smartcard is
> recognized, the user will still have to load the pkcs11 lib into his
> firefox. Not easier / one more possible step with errors :-/
Right now I've got it boiled down to
- install a single RPM (for RHEL4, Fedora Core 5/6, OpenSuSE 10.x) or 
install one or two .deb packages on Debian or Ubuntu
- follow instructions on how to add the module to Firefox 
and/or Thunderbird

this seems to work quite well, and if you throw in enough screenshots 
all users can load the library without too many problems.

> But maybe in your szenario it would be sensible to use opensc also on
> the windows side?
if a "fully-opensc" solution would work with the etokens that we have 
then that would be fine with me. Compatibility with the Aladdin RTE 
software would be a huge bonus but if the opensc solution works better 
then I am sure that I convince our users to re-initialize their tokens.
However, before a fully-opensc solution works I would have to make sure that
- initializing our etokens works, including setting of a non-default SOPIN
- generating and storing X509 certificates works
- integration with apps like Firefox, thunderbird, OpenVPN, 
Openssh/GSISSH, PuTTY etc works on all platforms (linux+windows+macos).
- the script that I have created to generate short-lived proxy 
certificates also works as well as it does now.

Only then would the opensc-solution be a viable alternative. 
Unfortunately, we're quite a way off from that situation :-(


Jan Just Keijser
System Integrator
Nikhef / Amsterdam

> Jan Just Keijser schrieb:
>> the reason we started looking at eToken's was to make grid access 
>> *easier*, not harder ;-)
>> (see 
>> for a writeup on how to use Aladdin's RTE software to access eToken's 
>> from Linux)
>> We're developing grid software, which makes extensive use of X509 
>> certificates. These are a pain in the butt for our users, esp. when it 
>> comes to security, keeping track of your private key etc etc. The 
>> ultimate goal is to supply users with an etoken (or any crypto smartcard 
>> in usb format, really, that works on both Windows, Linux and MacOS). 
>> With this etoken they then have transparent access to "the grid", be it 
>> using a browser, using linux command-line tools or using a 
>> certificate-enhanced version of ssh/putty (gsissh) . If we have to tell 
>> our users that an etoken will make life a lot easier/safer etc *but* 
>> they have to keep track of their certificates in two separate ways on 
>> linux and windows then I can already predict what they'll tell me ;-)
>> So, I'm looking for a solution that will allow our users to store (and 
>> generate!) their grid certificate safely on a crypto usb key. They will 
>> want to do this only once, as you can imagine (getting the certificate 
>> signed requires a full ID check ). After that , the idea is that they 
>> can plug in the usb key into their systems wherever they are and poof, 
>> magic happens, and they're authenticated on the grid.  Right now we use 
>> Aladdin RTE software to do this, as this is "cross-platform transparent" 
>> (ugh) but unfortunately is also not open source. Thus, if I could get 
>> the open source software to work together with the (commercial) GUI on 
>> windows then that would be really great. I don't need PKCS#15 for this, 
>> just PKCS#11 access that works the same on all platforms... We'd be 
>> willing to send one of these eToken PRO 32K's to the opensc developers 
>> if that would speed things up ;-)
>> regards,
>> Jan Just Keijser
>> System Integrator
>> Nikhef / Amsterdam
>> Eddy Nigg (StartCom Ltd.) wrote:
>>> Douglas E. Engert wrote:
>>>> Sounds like a emulation routine could be writen. Has anyone looked
>>>> at that?  I would assume you would want to use the same certificates
>>>> as used with Windows and the vendor's other software.
>>> One could maybe receive the relevant docs from Aladdin, but to all of 
>>> my knowledge requires one to sign an NDA. What can be done afterwards 
>>> and what the NDA implies is still a question. I have been discussing 
>>> this a little bit with Nils. On the other hand I'm not sure if it can 
>>> be reverse engineered and what's the effort? Or did you have something 
>>> else in mind (emulation), combining both software and use the pkcs11 
>>> interface of etokend from Aladdin?
>>> Usually I suggest to either use the software provided from Aladdin 
>>> which works on Linux and Windows or OpenSC (which should work on MAC 
>>> too). least when we get it back working ;-)

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