engine_pkcs11 has a --with-openssl option for configure, please use it with 
the proper path. also set PATH and LD_LIBRARY_PATH to the bin and lib 
directories. in general also set PKG_CONFIG_PATH to include the .pc file
(not needed for engine_pkcs11 and openssl I think as we have a special
logic because of some issues we had with older versions).

> ./configure --help tells me that I can use:
>   --with-openssl=PATH     use OpenSSL in PATH
> But that didn't work. I'm not sure whether it wants the path to the binary
> or the libraries? or the pkg config directory? really not sure. I tried
> pointing it at the binary and at the lib directories in turn, but that
> didn't work.

sorry, we need to fix the help text. the base directory (i.e. without bin/ and 
lib/, it will attach those as needed).

if it doesn't work, please run it with "bash -x ./configure ... 2>&1 |tee log"
and send that log.

Regards, Andreas
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