>On 8/7/07, Eddy Nigg (StartCom Ltd.) <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>Try using engine "dynamic" instead of "pkcs11" or you might need to use
everything >in one go...not sure anymore how this dynamic stuff

Fails :(

OpenSSL> req -engine dynamic -new -key id_45 -keyform engine -out
req.pem-text -x509
engine "dynamic" set.
unable to load Private Key
18146:error:26096075:engine routines:ENGINE_load_private_key:not
error in req

Using everything at one go gives an error:

OpenSSL> engine dynamic -pre
SO_PATH:/opt/ITsmartcard/lib/engines/engine_pkcs11.so -pre ID:pkcs11 -pre
LIST_ADD:1 -pre LOAD -pre MODULE_PATH:/home/sk211688/lib/opensc-
pkcs11.soreq -engine pkcs11 -new -key id_45 -keyform engine -out
req.pem -text -x509
usage: engine opts [engine ...]
 -v[v[v[v]]] - verbose mode, for each engine, list its 'control commands'
               -vv will additionally display each command's description
               -vvv will also add the input flags for each command
               -vvvv will also show internal input flags
 -c          - for each engine, also list the capabilities
 -t[t]       - for each engine, check that they are really available
               -tt will display error trace for unavailable engines
 -pre <cmd>  - runs command 'cmd' against the ENGINE before any attempts
               to load it (if -t is used)
 -post <cmd> - runs command 'cmd' against the ENGINE after loading it
               (only used if -t is also provided)
 NB: -pre and -post will be applied to all ENGINEs supplied on the command
 line, or all supported ENGINEs if none are specified.
 Eg. '-pre "SO_PATH:/lib/libdriver.so"' calls command "SO_PATH" with
 argument "/lib/libdriver.so".
error in engine


Here's something strange (I think it's strange): the new version of openssl
that I've installed gives the following ldd output:

$ ldd ./openssl
        libsocket.so.1 =>        /usr/lib/libsocket.so.1
        libnsl.so.1 =>   /usr/lib/libnsl.so.1
        libdl.so.1 =>    /usr/lib/libdl.so.1
        libc.so.1 =>     /usr/lib/libc.so.1
        libmp.so.2 =>    /usr/lib/libmp.so.2
        libmd.so.1 =>    /usr/lib/libmd.so.1
        libscf.so.1 =>   /usr/lib/libscf.so.1
        libuutil.so.1 =>         /usr/lib/libuutil.so.1
        libgen.so.1 =>   /usr/lib/libgen.so.1
        libm.so.2 =>     /usr/lib/libm.so.2

But the previous version gave this output:

$ ldd ./openssl
        libcrypto.so.0.9.8 =>    /usr/sfw/lib/libcrypto.so.0.9.8
        libssl.so.0.9.8 =>       /usr/sfw/lib/libssl.so.0.9.8
        libnsl.so.1 =>   /usr/lib/libnsl.so.1
        libsocket.so.1 =>        /usr/lib/libsocket.so.1
        libc.so.1 =>     /usr/lib/libc.so.1
        libmp.so.2 =>    /usr/lib/libmp.so.2
        libmd.so.1 =>    /usr/lib/libmd.so.1
        libscf.so.1 =>   /usr/lib/libscf.so.1
        libuutil.so.1 =>         /usr/lib/libuutil.so.1
        libgen.so.1 =>   /usr/lib/libgen.so.1
        libcrypto_extra.so.0.9.8 =>      (file not found)
        libm.so.2 =>     /usr/lib/libm.so.2

It looks like the new version isn't looking for libcrypto or even libssl,
and there are no .so files at all in /home/sk211688/Desktop/openssldir/lib,
which is where the new install is. Only static libraries. This is what the
directory looks like:

$ ls
engines      libcrypto.a  libssl.a     pkgconfig

Is this okay?

On 8/7/07, Eddy Nigg (StartCom Ltd.) <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  Try using engine "dynamic" instead of "pkcs11" or you might need to use
> everything in one go...not sure anymore how this dynamic stuff
> works...Something like:
> engine dynamic -pre SO_PATH:/opt/ITsmartcard/lib/engines/engine_pkcs11.so
> -pre ID:pkcs11 -pre LIST_ADD:1 -pre LOAD -pre
> MODULE_PATH:/home/sk211688/lib/opensc- pkcs11.so req -engine pkcs11 -new
> -key id_45 -keyform engine -out req.pem -text -x509
> :S
> Siddhartha Kasivajhula wrote:
> I installed openssl (latest) and opensc (latest) in non-default locations
> and tried again, with limited success.
> It now gets past the engine dynamic... stage:
> -----
> $ openssl
> OpenSSL> engine dynamic -pre
> SO_PATH:/opt/ITsmartcard/lib/engines/engine_pkcs11.so -pre ID:pkcs11 -pre
> LIST_ADD:1 -pre LOAD -pre MODULE_PATH:/home/sk211688/lib/opensc- pkcs11.so
> (dynamic) Dynamic engine loading support
> [Success]: SO_PATH:/opt/ITsmartcard/lib/engines/engine_pkcs11.so
> [Success]: ID:pkcs11
> [Success]: LIST_ADD:1
> [Success]: LOAD
> [Success]: MODULE_PATH:/home/sk211688/lib/opensc- pkcs11.so
> Loaded: (pkcs11) pkcs11 engine
> OpenSSL>
> -----
> But it fails at the next step:
> -----
> OpenSSL> req -engine pkcs11 -new -key id_45 -keyform engine -out req.pem-text 
> -x509
> unable to load module /home/sk211688/lib/opensc- pkcs11.so
> can't use that engine
> 18952:error:80001401:Vendor defined:PKCS11_CTX_load:Unable to load PKCS#11
> module:p11_load.c:57:
> 18952:error:260B806D:engine routines:ENGINE_TABLE_REGISTER:init
> failed:eng_table.c:161:
> no engine specified
> unable to load Private Key
> error in req
> OpenSSL>
> -----
> >On 8/7/07, Douglas E. Engert < [EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >What version of Solaris? Solaris 10 has openssl in /usr/sfw/bin and the
> libs
> >in /usr/sfw/lib.
> Yes, right. That's the version I was using before.
> >Although on my system it is OpenSSL 0.9.7d 17 Mar 2004 (+ security
> patches to 2006-09-29)
> Mine is 0.9.8 because I installed SunStudio 12 (from Sun's website. it's
> the latest version).
>  You may want to set the LD_LIBRARY_PATH to point to your lib directory
> > with
> > your versions of the libcrypto.so and  libssl.so
> I'm pretty sure I'd done this earlier as well, but I've set it to point
> there now.
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> Regards
> Signer:      Eddy Nigg, StartCom Ltd.
> Jabber:      [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Phone:       +1.213.341.0390
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